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  1. my name is Shahmeer...i m frm Pakistan... glad 2 meeet u alll...
  2. thanx ever1 for urz great advice! today i opened the main door, he comes out n rushes 2 the top of cage and he made me frustrated coz he stoood there for 5 hours and didnt came down.than i have to use a towel 2 bring him back 2 hiz cage....
  3. thnx for ur support...Judygram... well my grey name iz Tiger...he iz with me since 6 months...
  4. hey! i m new 2 this forum...n enjoying a lot... i am a new grey parrot owner...my grey iz not too trained by me as it iz new...but i m doing a lot 4 him...he iz using 2 accept me hiz new friend.....hopefully by passing certain time he will be fully trained by me... thatz all frm my side.
  5. hello evry1! i have bought a grey, hez with me about a 6 months ago..i dunno his age...The problem is when he is in the cage he is friendly with me...he talks, shake its head n call my family members name...but the problem is that he didn't talk when he is out of cage..he growls and bites me when i take my hand near to him and didnt talk or whistle, n neither know how to step up n 4rm my side there iz no aggressive attitude towards him ...but he accept food from my hand out of cage ..i have clipped his wings tooo...and secondly he dont know how 2 get inside of the cage but he comes out easily from the top door cage but dont know hot to get back in the cage again....the only way he knowz to get in iz when he is falls on the floor he uses the main cage doorr to get in, infact it took many hours... plz help me....<br><br>Post edited by: mrraju, at: 2009/01/02 00:04
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