Hi everyone, happy new year, Jeepers says 'Hi doggies', and we have a question, which probably don't belong in this part of the forums, but i'll give it a shot anyways.
Ok, for a week or so now, Jeepers has been acting peculiar. He's acted this way before, but not this long.
He starts making these 'eh eh eh' noises then lowers his wings like a linebacker ready to pounce on a quarterback. While doing this, he shakes his tail from left to right, almost like an excited puppy. He'll then start bobbing his head up and down, bringing up whatever we had given him for breakfast/lunch/whatever. I figure that's his way of giving me a present, like a cat bringing in a mouse or what not. He's done these motions before, but now he's getting really bitey, like he's trying to remove my finger whenever I get near him. Other thatn that, he's fine....he plays with his toys, annoys the cat, his droppings look normal, he has no problem going, i'm just guessing that he's in heat or something....am I right or is there something more to it? Any info would be great. Thanks in advance.