They are right about the terrible two's. We went through a period were Jacque would fuss at us, try to bite, was just generally irritable and you couldn't do anything with him. He "fought" with his toys and threw seeds to see how far across the room he could get them (really far!)
Just as suddenly as it started he reverted back to our loving bird, although he now does not like to be petted or have his back touched. Don't ask me why we have never hurt him or even had to towel him it just makes him really nervous and he tries to bite you.
One interesting thing (to me)when he does bite me (unless he his really really angry or scared) he only bites me hard enough to hurt a bit but doesn't break the skin. Sometimes it is more like he is just making a point rather than biting me...pressure no pain.<br><br>Post edited by: lady_jodie, at: 2008/12/30 17:37