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Everything posted by lady_jodie

  1. Yes Jacque, short for Giacomo Casinova is Italian. We named him that because he is (mostly) a lover not a biter. LOL My best friend has a Grey named Mardi Gra and he bites everyone...and I mean bite to kill...except my friend and his wife. So the name was chosen in part because we wanted a loving handle able bird not a biter. And I think we successeded at that. Even when he was small I would let everyone who came to our house hold him if they wanted to, to get him used to different people.
  2. They are right about the terrible two's. We went through a period were Jacque would fuss at us, try to bite, was just generally irritable and you couldn't do anything with him. He "fought" with his toys and threw seeds to see how far across the room he could get them (really far!) Just as suddenly as it started he reverted back to our loving bird, although he now does not like to be petted or have his back touched. Don't ask me why we have never hurt him or even had to towel him it just makes him really nervous and he tries to bite you. One interesting thing (to me)when he does bite me (unless he his really really angry or scared) he only bites me hard enough to hurt a bit but doesn't break the skin. Sometimes it is more like he is just making a point rather than biting me...pressure no pain.<br><br>Post edited by: lady_jodie, at: 2008/12/30 17:37
  3. Let's see. Jacque is almost 3 and I have had him since he was about 3-4 months old. I hand fed him for the last month or so before he was weaned. I don't have any pics of him as he doesn't like cameras but I will try to get one. My husband was the one who really wanted a Grey but when we got Jacque he really attached himself to me which was a surprise. We think that because the breeder was a woman and had been the one to hand feed him from hatching he was more disposed toward women than men. However, he seems to like us both just me a little more. I can handle him when no one else can. Here is my zoo: Giacomo Casinova (Jacque for short) - African Grey Dakota - Boxer Rascal - Siamese Cat Sassy - American Short Haired Fat Cat One Husband One Teenager BTW, the dog is afraid of everything else we own including the bird. You haven't lived until you've seen a 90+lb dog run from a 4 lb cat. LOL We got him from a Boxer rescue and he was abused and neglected. He was almost all bones and very scared of sudden movements. But he has the most love-able personality...how any one could harm such a desperate to be loved animal (or any pet) I don't understand.<br><br>Post edited by: lady_jodie, at: 2008/12/30 17:23
  4. Please elaborate judygram. He is three how much more change can I expect?
  5. Jacque doesn't talk much at all. But when he does it is almost always to me when I am alone. One thing he did pick up awhile back is this coughing sound my husband was making when he had a cold. Apparently Jacque thought this sound was awesome and for almost a month it sounded like he had pneumonia! I had more than one (non bird owning" friend ask me why in the world I didn't take that bird to the vet...."He sounds like he is dying". Now my friends Grey will wait until someone walks by and whisper, "Come here....Come here" when you get to the cage he will say, "Let me out!" It is hilarious!! Jodie
  6. You notion about the moving causing more distractions causing him to "hide away" and rest kind of make sense. With a teen plus two adults who both work from home he is never lacking in attention. Plus we tend to keep weird, late hours. He is fine otherwise and plays and "talks" to us. Actually he has never learned to say many words in spite of being right with us almost all the time. He has a large vocabulary of sounds and whistles just few words. Although he did tell me to "get in the car" the other which floored me. To put that many words together when he almost never really speaks. Aren't grey's such fun! Jodie
  7. My grey Jacque is nearing 3 years old. Off and on for almost his whole life he has taken to periodically falling asleep head down in his food bowl. In fact, he was so soundly asleep in that position a few minutes ago that when my husband reached thru the bars and nudged him he didn't move at all. I have noticed him doing this a little more often now that I moved his cage into our living room. He only moved about 20-30 feet from just outside the room where he could still see and interact with us to right in the middle of room along the wall. Just so you know he does have a high perch he sleeps on at night. Jodie
  8. My name is Jodie and I have a veritable zoo at my house. LOL But I am here for my feathered fiend Jacque. Jodie
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