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  1. Twosteph, Yes I know but I'm not going to sell him anyone.
  2. Thank you Lisa, but I think I'm going pay for it in the long run. I really don't care as long as Howard is taken care of and I have him that's all that really counts. judygram, I'm deeply sorry. I was just upset and with giving up Howard I think I took it out on you. Again I am very sorry.
  3. Hi MazyAK and thanks maybe I came out too strong but I was happy for once this month and it was like a bomb. My ex is a bird lover and I trust he will be good to him. When I said "intentions" I meant with me, what did he want from me. If I knew of a sitter or a person I would but the one I found cost anywhere from 300 to 400 a week now that is too much money for anyone to pay. Not now a days. I don't feel anyone should pay that much. That was my point. Its easy for everyone to say find a friend or someone that has a bird well guys its easier said then done. People do not want the responsibility of some else's pet for that long of a period. Again thanks
  4. judygram, you are taking it out of contents, I don't trust his intentions. He loves birds dont get me wrong or else I would never leave him alone with Howard. He has never done anything nice for my daughter or me. It's may cost me over 300 to 400 a week to have this person take care of him. It is a lot of money if I have to leave for 2 weeks that is almost my house payment, in these days with evrything going on I don't know if my business will be in business in a few months. Put yourself in my shoes, do you have 800 a month extra? If you do then maybe you could help me pay for the boarding. I am going to cut a lot of corners but in the end I can not do this for months at a time. I was thinking of doing it until I could find someone to keep him until I get home. Please stop being so negative.
  5. Hi Everyone, I just wanted to thank everyone for their support, Sandra you have become a dear friend to me thank you. My update; I placed an Ad and interviewed yes intreviewed lots of people but I always found something wrong with them. In my heart I knew no one would treat him as I do. Well anyway my daughter went to my ex-husband (her father) crying and saying that she was the reason I was selling Howard (my baby) and he offered to stay in my house while I traveled. I do not trust him at all but its my last hope. My daughter will be checking up on him to see if he does as he said he would.:lol: I will not be selling him at all:cheer: If it doesn't work out I have another plan which will cost me lots of money but at least I will have him. Again thanks
  6. Thank you all, The problem is I just started this new company with a partner and it requires me to do some traveling, which I didn't think it would be so much. Now I find myself traveling and my baby unattended. It is just unfair to him.
  7. Hi LindaMary, Thanks for your response, your right we do love each other very much. My married daughter is the one that has been taking care of him. My daughter is getting tried of coming over every night to take care of him, then go home and take care of her stuff. When I travel it's outside the US for maybe 2 weeks or more. I just feel it is unfair to my baby and daugther.
  8. Thanks, I did look on the inter-net in Orlando Florida they go for anywhere from 700-1000 without the cage. I am giving the cage, toys and food for 950.00 I am not firm but people want him for free. I had one person call me and wanted to buy him for only 250.00 with cage, toys, gym and food. If he would of said 700 for everything then I would of said ok.
  9. Thanks luvparrots, he is great does the step, eats out of hand and just loves his gym. Everytime I walk into the family room he saids hi or come here. I just laugh and say hi. When I go over to him he just wants for me to rub his head. He calls my daughter all the times and when the phone rings says hello. I feel like he is the son I never had and baby him to death. But he doesn't like when people come over and just stays quiet listening to everything. I will miss him and my heart hurts just thinking of him leaving me. I want to ensure he goes somewhere, where he will be loved.
  10. Hi, Everyone I'm new here and need some help. I have a male African Grey Congo which I love very much. I've had him for 5 years and need to sell him. Due to my job I have to travel so much time that I have no time for him. He is good boy and is tamed. My question is has anyone had a problem selling their baby? I've posted Ad's wanting 950 with cage, toys and gym. People want him for free. I can't believe this its crazy. I paid 1200 plus the cage 400 toys and gym. Do you all think I'm asking too much? Any assistance would be greatful. I hate giving him up but really do have to.
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