judygram, you are taking it out of contents, I don't trust his intentions. He loves birds dont get me wrong or else I would never leave him alone with Howard. He has never done anything nice for my daughter or me.
It's may cost me over 300 to 400 a week to have this person take care of him. It is a lot of money if I have to leave for 2 weeks that is almost my house payment, in these days with evrything going on I don't know if my business will be in business in a few months. Put yourself in my shoes, do you have 800 a month extra? If you do then maybe you could help me pay for the boarding. I am going to cut a lot of corners but in the end I can not do this for months at a time. I was thinking of doing it until I could find someone to keep him until I get home. Please stop being so negative.