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Everything posted by DebNJasper

  1. Great news:) My Jasper is about 6 months now and over the last few days has just started saying 'hello mate' its great and the kids love it!:laugh: :laugh:
  2. Thanks for all you replies (and amusing stories!) I have managed to get hold of a dish that locks onto the side of the cage and then the bottom of the bowl screws into the holder. If Jasper manages to get this one tipped over then I will just give up and teach him to use the dustbuster himself to clean up!! :P
  3. Oh the frustration!!! :S Our darling Jasper (about 5 months old now) has decided his newest trick is tipping his bowls and emptying the contents all over the carpet! He will occasionally lift the bowls (they slot into rings on the side of the cage) and drop them to the bottom of the cage. He started with the seed bowl and has now progressed to his water bowl - so either the bottom of the cage or the carpet is wet. I have tried putting the food/water in heavy ceramic dishes on the base of the cage but he still manages to tip these also. Does anyone have any idea why he might be doing this or even better a solution to the problem.
  4. thanks so much for your replies. Glad to hear that Broccoli is ok. Jasper really loves it and will pick that out first to eat! Carrots and Yellow peppers come a very close second!
  5. Hi folks, Quite new to the forum and this is my first post (except for my introduction. :cheer: Jasper (18 weeks old) has been with us for nearly 4 weeks now and I'm trying him on as many different tastes as i can. At he moment cauliflower and banana quite simply are a no-no but I am not giving up on them!! My question really is about broccoli - I have read many threads that their Grey won't eat Broccoli but Jasper loves it - he holds it like a bunch of flowers ! my concern is that I read somewhere not to give them too much - something to do with calcium absorbtion I think. I'm sure that Jasper would just eat and eat it all day if i let him so how much is enough/too much. Hope someone can help this novice!!!
  6. Thanks for your welcomes. yes Jasper is our first parrot and already he's a star in our house after only a week. Will get some photos posted shortly. Nice to be part of the family. Thanks:P
  7. Hi All, Just a quick intro I'm Debi and we have a new addition to our family in the form of 15 week old Jasper. We have had him just for a week now and he's great. He seems to have settled in great now and recognises already when either myself or my partner or either of my 2 daughters approach him. He's quite vocal already (just squeaks and twitters) but it's as if he'shaving a conversation with us My 7 year old is determined she will teach him to sing all the songs from high School Musical (!!!!) Got lots of advise of the last few days visiting the forum and you all seem a really friendly helpfull bunch. Bye for Now Debi :)
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