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  1. thanks everyone.... for all your kind comments and advice
  2. Thanks for the advice everyone... She was ok today we managed a whole 30mins of step-up and down.She is showing some much better signs now.At last its paying off...:woohoo:
  3. Great advice Dan.... I have tried that though...lol..! But last night i was determind to do it so off to the bedroom we went.I let her settle and whistle away to me. after about 30mins or so i slowly aproached her and offered my hand to get a nip....lol But after that he finally stepped up.....YES..! we tried it a rew times and then she climed onto the shoulder to which i was abit shocked and ready for the bite on the ear job....lol it never happened thank god. Any way we will try it in slow stages know untill she trusts in me..... I will keep ya updated but this is a good sign for now.
  4. Hi Dan, Well yes she was adopted. The people we had her from said that she was ok but it seems not. We told that she would come onto the hand but we never seen any proof of this. We do know that she was not ill treated in anyway but thats all i can really tell you. She lets you feed her treats from the hand as i said she will step up with a towel around my hand but with-out it its a case of get the band aids out...lol<br><br>Post edited by: d1yer08, at: 2008/12/21 17:46
  5. great toy i will have to try this one on little Gizmo
  6. Hi is there anyone who could help me..! I have had Rosie now for now for a year,i have tried nearly every thing the books have said i`ve tried various sites and videos but she is still un-touchable.! Its becoming a bit of a down point as she is a lovely girl and shows some great good points but we just cant handle her unless your hands are in a towel.She will let you sratch her head but thats it...! I have tried treats,praise,away from her cage..but still no luck...any advice or tips im all ears...lol
  7. thanks for all your kind comments..
  8. Lol... Thanks well little Gizmo laps it up.
  9. [siI do a simple meal for Gizmo: Its simply boiled rice,add some sweetcorn,chopped apple,some raisins,chopped cucumber,saltana,and some chopped bits of cellery. There you have it simple and Gizmo loves it,you can mix this with a normal seed or on its own. Add what you want but make sure its fresh as if it were for you..! enjoy ze=4][/size]
  10. Will do... Gizmo is a good eater,very messy...lol
  11. Thanks Casper. No i re-homed Rosie a while ago know,she is a lovley parrot huge for a female...lol. We cant do much with her but my gosh talk.....lol. I named him Gizmo as he sounds just like little Gizmo did on the film the Gremlins...lol a little cutie and loving the head rubs too..
  12. I do a simple meal for Gizmo: Its simply boiled rice,add some sweetcorn,chopped apple,some raisins,chopped cucumber,saltana,and some chopped bits of cellery. There you have it simple and Gizmo loves it,you can mix this with a normal seed or on its own. Add what you want but make sure its fresh as if it were for you..! enjoy
  13. Thanks everyone, will post some pics soon and keep ya all updated on em..
  14. Hi ppl, just a quick hello as im new to forum.I have 2 african gerys,one called Rosie 3yrs old,and my new baby boy Gizmo who i got yesterday he is 14 wks old. thnx brett:woohoo:
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