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  1. this toy is easy and cheap to make, and provides your bird with great entertainment and foraging simulation. Materials: - a 10cm approx piece of see-through garden hose. - two wine-bottle corks - a piece of string - some of your bird's favourite treats. Push one of the corks half of its length into one end of the hose. Put some treats into the hose and seal the other end with the other cork, trapping the treats in the middle. Tie it in the centre and hang it in the cage. This works best if the corks are very tight fitting and you have to make some effort to push them in. Your bird will see the treats but will have to really work to get to them, chewing the corks to bits, and probably part of the hose too. 'njoy!
  2. I enjoyed it too, but would like to have known the results of the autopsy. I recently saw a couple of videos with Alex in training and he didn't look that good... seemed like he was a little low on feathers, sort of like he'd been plucking, and the phrase he most often volunteered was "wanna go back". I say this with the greatest respect for all the enlightening work that Dr. Pepperberg did, which revolutionized the scientific world's view of animal (bird) cognition, but... can't help thinking that Alex, who was constantly in training, may have been OVERworked a little?
  3. Plaster the area with notices, someone may well have seen her but don't know how to contact you. Good luck, our thoughts go with you..
  4. I take the cardboard tube from finished toilet paper, squash it real flat, put two or three shelled almonds inside, close the open edges folding them a couple of times... if you look at it from the side it should look like an "S" with a fat tummy. Push it through the bars of the cage and hang it there, using the folds in the cardboard. If you do this before going out they keep busy for a while and don't notice you leaving. Other types of cardboard can be used in many creative ways (as long as it's safe) like a tightly rolled-up piece with nuts in the centre of it, hanging from a string... the more layers of rolled-up cardboard, the longer it takes the bird to get to the nuts. The little plastic yellow eggs inside chocolate Kinder eggs are also good: put a hole at both rounded ends, thread a string through them with a knot at the bottom to stop it from falling, put a nut in it, close it loosely the first time, and hang it in the cage. The more eggs the better!
  5. Thanks for the great contributions everyone, and sorry I've not answered before, but I hadn't payed my internet connection lol... I highly recommend particle77's video of the jay making cell phone noises...so funny
  6. My word these are very interesting takes on what I believe is a fundamental issue for us Grey lovers. THANKYOU and keep'em comin' !
  7. I have yet to find a satisfactory answer to this question - how comes parrots, and especially Greys, are so good at imitating sounds and words, and , most importantly, WHY do they do it and what benefits do they get from this skill in the wild? I've tried looking for material on this subject around the forum, but I can't seem to find any. if anyone can enlighten me....
  8. great to know he's better, sounds like he's past the worse... sometimes mine has diarrea simply because he ate something full of fluid like grapes, so if his poop is getting better even if not all the time, I would relax if I were you, and the screaming should subside once he starts to fell secure again.. let us know how he goes though!
  9. Hi, immediate veterinarian help is the only thing here, having said that, as regards to the amoxycillin I can confirm it's given to dogs as my dog has taken it on two occasions for different reasons, though I don't know anything about birds' compatibility to it. The only antibiotic my cag's had is ZITROMAX and that's because it had very slight CHLAMYDIA (psittacosis). He took it for a month or so. Only other thing I can add is to call your friend and ask exactly what it had to eat while you were away, and to generally find out anything else that could give clues. the screaming and the not talking could just be a temporary result of the separation, but the combination of this with the unhealthy poop is obviously an indication of something physical going on too. how is he doing now? keep us posted and good luck.
  10. Thanks for the prompt and detailed reply Dave! Guess he's just messing around then huh! From your answer I gather either sex can regurgitate and either sex can be on the receiving end, right? That's what I meant by playing both roles.
  11. Regurgitating as part of sexual behaviour in Greys: I was wondering if there were roles assigned in this - who is the regurgitator and who is the receiver? Or do both sexes play both parts? With Kakariki parakeets, it is only the male who regurgitates for the female.
  12. ok thanks a lot, its gonna have to be dna then ! yes,..very cute..
  13. I presented my 5/6 yo CAG Pablo with a ping-pong ball today, when we were playing on the bed, and he started showing what must clearly be a form of nesting behaviour: handling the ball with extreme delicacy as if it was an egg and scratching my bedsheets with his talons, like he was trying to dig a hole. I've not had him dna-sexed because it didn't seem so important, although I've always kinda hoped that he was a she! Could anyone tell me if this kind of behaviour can be attributed to both sexes or only one, and if so which one?
  14. My Grey hated a rope ring when I got it for him (three months ago) and he still never goes anywhere near it... in fact I must get rid of it, it's still hanging from his perch :whistle: ..it doesn't disturb him or frighten him as such, he just never took to it and has always avoided it..and I guess I've left it this long becuse I'd hoped he would somehow begin to like it... You could try (I never found the time to bother with this) attaching his favourite treats to it and letting him see them, then the rope could, possibly, with time, become a source of pleasure for him instead of an object that provokes fear.
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