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Everything posted by onetteselfish

  1. Hello Lyric, i'll use aloe gel. yes i do all the things for Pappy first cos i don't want change his program and let him to feel that Maya is his rival.
  2. Hi everyone, both are cag. i put some pict with Pappy. next week i'll put with Maya too. in my country we don't have good avian vets cos they have not specialized in parrots.
  3. thank you all. nice to share with you my problems and my experience with this lovely birds
  4. thank you all for your warmly welcome. there are so many things to learn about greys. i have other problems too. Maya was raised by a man and therefore it is attached to the men of my house and me less. the start was difficult because she often bite me but now she comes on my hand and even kiss me twice. Maya is less at the age and weight than Pappy and more brave too. i can spend my time with both equal in different rooms cos Pappy loves very much my mother and he prefers when she is home. now i don't have pictures with Maya but i'll put some with Pappy. i noticed differences between them like: he has gray legs and she's black, his tongue is black and she's more pink. i also noticed that Maya have dry skin on feet and cracked. sometimes i see her how is pull it out of his fingers. the skin has some swollen points when the nail ends up. can i use alore vera juice? i have this plant on my house and i can use it.
  5. thank you for your replys. first time when they met Maya tried to approach Pappy and even they'd kiss like they gave food each other. after this when Pappy saw Maya out in the same room he tried to flee from her. they never bite or fight each other. Maya always wants to play with Pappy and follows him everywhere. the problem is Pappy. he is scared and fly around the room as crazy. sometimes he can not land in a place and fall. when i said drops i want to mean he makes poop out of fear. i let them out in different rooms.
  6. i am happy to meet you. i am from Romania/Bucharest and i have 2 wonderful greys. Pappy is the boy and he is one yrs old and Maya is the girl and she is 5 month old. Maya is with us only for one month. I please ask you to help me with some advice cos Pappy is so scared when he is out in the same room with Maya. when they are in cages same room he is ok- singing, playing, eating. i have to let both out in other rooms. Pappy loves to sing and talk with Maya and he is interesting of her when she is out of the room. this problem happens in all the rooms. i mean he is not scared only in his room, his territory, he is everywhere. scared means he is shaking and sometimes he drops.
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