Well I checked him out today and unfortunately I don't think he's the right bird for me. The owners couldnt handle him or even touch him without him trying to bite. When I would come near, his feathers would go up, head down and I knew what was comming. They said their son was able to hold him no problem but since he moved out, they couldnt get the bird to like them. They havent been able to bathe him in a few months, and in one recent attempt to take him out of his cage he ended up biting hard and then flying around the house and they had trouble catching him. He looked healthy and I'm sure he's a good bird, but I think he should go to someones more experienced. They said he knows hundreds or words and is very talkatve.
Very dissapointing! I really still want a grey though. There's a two year old at a nearby pet store that misses her owner, but she doesnt bite hard and stepped up to me from her cage. She gave me a bite at first but it was so soft that I would have no fear handling her, bathing her, etc. I'm trying to decide between adopting her, or getting a baby.