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  1. I'm fine with being bit but I just think this one is a bit too aggressive. The owners have tried everything they could to get him to like them and he just doesn't. His bites have torn the owners skin a number of times, causing bleeding.
  2. Well I checked him out today and unfortunately I don't think he's the right bird for me. The owners couldnt handle him or even touch him without him trying to bite. When I would come near, his feathers would go up, head down and I knew what was comming. They said their son was able to hold him no problem but since he moved out, they couldnt get the bird to like them. They havent been able to bathe him in a few months, and in one recent attempt to take him out of his cage he ended up biting hard and then flying around the house and they had trouble catching him. He looked healthy and I'm sure he's a good bird, but I think he should go to someones more experienced. They said he knows hundreds or words and is very talkatve. Very dissapointing! I really still want a grey though. There's a two year old at a nearby pet store that misses her owner, but she doesnt bite hard and stepped up to me from her cage. She gave me a bite at first but it was so soft that I would have no fear handling her, bathing her, etc. I'm trying to decide between adopting her, or getting a baby.
  3. Well the owner keeps pushing back the day when I can come see him. Initially she said any day after 7pm and I asked about wednesday. She said Thursday would be better. Now today she said something about work blah blah and can't make it today, but Saturday anytime would be fine. Grrrrr. So it looks like I'll have to wait until Saturday. I'll keep you all updated. Thanks for all the advice!
  4. With regards to things like dancing to music or potty training?
  5. gourdlady247 wrote: How was your bird treated before you got him? This bird, accoridng to the owner, has only ever tried to bite one person. She bathes the bird in the shower with no problems and strangers have handled the bird with no problems, but only a few times. I understand your point but because everyone seems to have a different experience/opinion, I'm just gonna base my decision on how the bird acts when I see him tomorow. If he doesnt growl at me and lets me hold him, thats pretty much all I can ask for being that I'm a stranger. Whether or not he lets me pet him is something I'd be willing to wait on and be patient with if I have to. If he bites me hard, I probably won't take him.
  6. Thanks, that is helpful. I'm still going to look at the bird (his name is Chongo) tomorow. I haven't ruled him out, but am a bit more apprehensive now. You said you don't know why I changed my mind, but you also said I should take the replies for what they are; advice. But the advice I recieved in my first reply was: "My advise to you since you have no bird experiance is to buy a newly weaned baby" and a couple replies after that said she knows what she's talking about. That being said, I understand the point you are making, and that people are just trying to make me aware that there could be problems that will test my patience. I've already known that a pet parrot can be difficult at times but the purpose of this thread was to find out how much MORE diffucult it will be with a rehomed Grey that is 6 years old. It looks like many people have had different experiences, so I guess it just depends on the bird. I guess I'll just make the decision based on what he seems like when I see him tomorow. I appreciate all the responses and if anybody else wants to chime in, please do. Thanks.
  7. Poppy wrote: It wasn't all that positive. Heres some quotes that kinda turned me off: "My advise to you since you have no bird experiance is to buy a newly weaned baby" "There is no gaurantee this bird will gain your trust, be playful and allow you full contact." "A re homed grey could come with a lot of baggage and habbits and trates that will need a lot of experiance and patiance to overcome." " If an older grey has had no training or much contact with people they can be a hand full and try the patiance of a saint." "he was not mean at all and seemed willing to do new things with me. I could not touch him except on the top of the head. Petting him was NOT an option. I got bit so many times. My hands and arms were bloody from his bites and it was painful!!!" "you said the bird you are considerd did growl & that is a good sign that there might be some attitude/anger issues too" "but if you get an older bird just make sure you know what you are getting into."
  8. Sounds like I might be better off with a baby. The 6 year old I was thinking about hasnt been neglected and seems like its in a decent home. I still might go look at it. But it sounds like once it moves it's gonna be a major struggle to bond with, with no gaurentee I'll ever get its trust. The fact that BaxtersMom said that hers was a smooth transition, but her hands and arms were sometimes bloody with bites, is a bit much. And reading some other threads on this board, I don't want to end up with a bird that lunges at me everytime I walk by the cage, or bites me everytime I try take his food bowls for cleaning. I think I would be a good parrot owner and have patience dealing with behavioral issues, but if I can avoid starting off on the wrong foot then I probably should. This route will be MUCH more expensive though as I could get the 6 year old with his cage and playstand for $450.
  9. Well its a huge responsibility whether I buy it as a baby or at 6 years old. I'm sure even if I get it at a baby, theres likely to be behavior problems as it grows, no? Anybody else here get a grey that was 5+ years old that has an opinion?
  10. One of the ones available that I'm interested in, I haven't seen yet but will be checking it out tomorow. It is 6 years old and belonged to a kid who just moved out of his parents house. The bird dislikes the father and growls when he comes near, but he will let others handle him. I've never owned a pet bird before. I know an African Grey is probably not the easiest starter bird, but I wouldn't want to buy some other bird just for "practice." I know it's the breed I want. Is it harder for a 6 year old Grey to get adjusted to being rehomed than, say, a 2 year old? Will I eventually gain it's trust if it doesn't like me initially? Also, do their personalities change as they get older? Do they become less playfull? Or will a 50 year old grey get the same kick out of destroying a toy and playing on a playstand as a 4 year old? Thanks
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