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Everything posted by Scarbarian

  1. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get a Siamese cat to leave the parrot alone? I've tried kicking him, punching him, and hitting him with sticks. Is there something else I should be hitting him with?
  2. Hi all, Well I brought Charlie home on Saturday, and I'm totally smitten. What a happy little guy he is. We are doing the hand-feeding thing twice a day, and he eats whatever you put in front of him, although I think he could easily be trained to kill for grapes... The breeder told me that he might be a bit shy when I got him home, and suggested that I leave him in his cage for 2 days or so. Well, I think it took him all of 5 minutes before he started playing with his toys, and jamming his head against the bars to be scratched. To leave him in the cage for 2 days would have been cruel (to both of us!) so out he came! He is very quiet (I know it won't last!), and makes sounds like a dove when you cuddle him. He's a great little bird, and I tell him that often... lol So this is my last post in "The Welcome Room" under the "Expectant Father" title. Look for my next posting under "Proud Father"... lol Have a great day everyone! Steve
  3. Wow!... Good luck with all that!... I took the coward's way out, and I'm picking up my baby (14 weeks) CAG tomorrow. It sounds like your CAG is going to a better/healthier environment than what he's had so far.
  4. The tattoo is the Canadian Airborne wings... I don't have a decent pic, but it is based on the wings we wore on our uniform... This is a pic: .
  5. ... The tattoo is a remnant of my youth, when I was throwing myself out of aircraft as a paratrooper in the Canadian Army... It's alright, I'm ok now. LOL
  6. Ooops... I'll get the hang of this eventually ... LMAO
  7. All I had to do was read... lol Here's the pic:
  8. Hmmm... I added a (lousy) photo of Charlie and me to my album, but linking it to this post turned out to be problematic... Have a look at my profile page for Charlie's first pic! Steve
  9. Hi Everybody, Thanks for the words of encouragement!... I'm picking Charlie up at the breeder's tomorrow! I'm finally going to have something (other than toys..) to put in that big cage that takes up so much of my living room... Wish me luck. Steve
  10. I was going to suggest Kijiji as a place to sell your CAG, but after looking around your area, I think you have already thought of this... Is this your ad -> http://orlando.kijiji.com/c-Pets-Birds-Great-African-Grey-For-Sale-W-Cage-W0QQAdIdZ95711055 Sorry I can't be more of a help... Good Luck, Steve (Scarbarian)
  11. I'm bringing my new CAG home on 23 Jan 09.... I've got the cage, a bunch of toys, a couple of books, and I've been reading everything I can find on the internet about African Greys... I've got a Border Collie named Rocky, a Siamese cat named Rolly, and I'm pretty sure the parrot's name is going to be Charlie... Talk to you soon, Steve (Scarbarian)
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