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  1. Im in the process of switching my bird to Harrisons from an ultimate blend. Ive been doing this for this week so far. I put 70% ultimate blend and 30% harrisons. What else can I do so the transition will be a smooth one.
  2. Lola decided she wanted to eat with the family. She climbed out of her cage go onto her playpen, walked onto the kitchen table and walked over to my dinner dish looked up at me as if to say can i have some then put her head into my dish and started eating. She also wanted to have my glass of water. We now have a dinner dish just for her. She eats next to me on her playpen. SHe is getting an awesome personality. She has become the families queen of the house. My in-laws went to florida for a week. They called to see how Lola was doing. My father-in-law told me he bought all kinds of toys and things for Lola.
  3. Well, this was a huge break through weekend. Lola is stepping up and wants to be out with us. She was given the grand tour of the house while on my hand. She is coming along nicely. SHe is a wonderful part of the family.
  4. Thanks for the information. Lola is actually coming along. She has been in and out of her cage alot and loves to hang around on her playstand. She has the whole family asking about her. She isnt stepping up yet but will stay on my hand for a little while. Then she flys off and lands on the floor. She was checking out the house the other day. She was very curious about the different rooms and loved the chairs.
  5. Lola is comong along well. she was on my hand this morning for about 15-20 minutes chewing on her toy. training is going very well.
  6. didnt weigh her but she seems to be eating better. she is on my hand right now with a chew toy. she ate a little this morning. i think she is comin around quickly. She seems to love peanuts.
  7. Lola went from 291gms to 241gms. she was brought home saturday and was weighed on Thursday. She didnt really eat much the first few days. She is starting to eat better now. She eats a mixture which is called premium blend. Combination of nuts,fruits and veggies. Lola is going to try some oatmeal on Saturday Morning. Im going to feed her some cooked veggies tonight when I get home.
  8. New and hot off the press. Lola and I went back to the store where i bought her. She lost weight, not so good. But she and I reached a new thing. Im holding her and getting her to cuddle and quiet down on my chest. She loves to be out of the cage also. I am working with her diligently with the step up and she is starting to respond a little. When she is out of the cage on her playset i assist her up the ladder and she uses my hand for assistance. shes getting brave.
  9. Last night Lola was feeling real comfortable but wanted to get out of her cage. She came out on her own. I put her on the playset. She was looking around her new house. Still not stepping up yet.
  10. A joy is an understatement. She is so awesome. I cant wait to cuddle her and play with her. My Inlaws thought i was crazy for getting a bird. Now they come over everynight to see her and bring her a treat.
  11. Her name is Lola. We are actually making a little progress with her. she wont step up yey but she is playing in her cage and eating out of our hand. I continually try the step up and to work with her. she is a character already.
  12. i brought my 6 mos old girl home last night.I have been talkin to her and i took her out of her cage once on sunday. She is sleeping right now. She is allowing me to put my hand near her feet/belly. im hoping she will gain my trust and i will also learn to supress my fear of getting bit. im anxious to learn as much as i can. i hope that im doing the right thing. she allows me to pet her chest a little:cheer: . do you think she will come around with everyday, from what i read it will take some time. i hope. i think i might be wanting results too fast. good advice needed.
  13. yes thats the one.She is so cute she is watching and listening to me.
  14. should i leave the special light on her all night or turn it off in the evening.
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