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  1. Thank you AlphaWolf, I appreciat you taking the time to give me advice. I checked in room temperature, food and other changes in the house. The only stress that I could see would be the lost of Sissy (my momma dog which is a minpin/cocker mixture) as Silver still calls for her to be let out and tells her that she is good girl and does she want to play. I tell Silver that she is gone when she says those things but it doesn't erase the hurt that I still feel in grieving for Sissy. Freckles gets along with all my animals and hides from Silver when she is out of her cage. The only thing (and I hope it won't be to late)is after the 1st of December is to take her to the avian Vet. Then I can cross that off the list. My daughter said she has some Aloe Vera (pure) for about a year that has never been opened. How long does it last or can it still hurt her because it is to old. thank you much,Linda
  2. Hello Danmcq, When I mist her it was with water but now I see to use Aloe Juice. You all are giving me good advice that I didn't know of. I thank you for that . When I playd the DVD it was only for 3 hours but I like Carolyn idea to set timers for tv and radio. I thought also about the lost of Sissy and then the new Freckles in regards to the change in routine. She calls Freckles and tells him that he is a good boy and asks him if he wants out in my tone of voice. Freckles starts to the door and stops when he sees that I am not up to let him out. It is so funny :laugh: to watch SilverStarr and just to enjoy her until death takes one of us home. I say that because I have had my animals so long and now it seems like I am loosing them because of their age. I am 63 so I just enjoy life and make memories of every little thing that comes along. My daughter said in keeping SilverStarr it will be like me still being there as she talks like me and sneezes, cough, whistle too. Than you for your time and I do appreciate all that you folks are telling me. take care and God Bless, SilverStarr.. ..Linda "Treat animals the way you would like to be treated"!<br><br>Post edited by: SilverStarr, at: 2008/11/26 03:55
  3. Thak you Carolyn for your advice. I played the DVD for 3 hours while I was gone. When I first played it she was listening for intently that I left it on but I see what you are saying and I thank you for that. As far as Freckles go he is afraid of her and goes into the computer room to hide underneath my desk. He was attracted at first because of her dropping of food. She likes to throw food out of the cage to the dogs to eat. She thinks that is really funny.Thank you for your time. SilverStarr...Linda "Treat animals the way you would like to be treated"!
  4. Many thanks to all of you for your advice. I played a DVD while I was gone so I don't know if that might of bothered her or not. It was of all species of birds and the noises that they make and the socialization that they do. I have changed her toys. I don't pay any attention when she is plucking. I wait and then asked her what is the girl doing and she replies what is the baby girl doing? Then we go through her songs and other things that we do on a daily basis. Freckles when we got him put his feet on the cage to see what was in it and she growl at him and he got down. I have introduced them to each other and Freckles is afraid of her. I didn't let her out of her cage for the first month because of him and not knowing how he would act with her but now I know. I have had her since 2003 when she was born. She was at a vet at one time long ago but not recentley. Apparently this is what I need to do. I can't do it until after the 1st of December as that is when we have extra money. I do spray her twice a week but I am so worried about her now that she has her neck bare and some of her chest. I mist her not spray as I don't want her to get cold. Other than the vet is there anything else that I could be doing until December 1st? Thank you for the Welcome Mat as it was so nice of you folks. Many thanks again, Linda... Treat animals the way you would like to be treated!
  5. Hello to all the Bird and Animal Lovers out there. I am new here but am so glad that I found you folks here. My CAG SilverStarr starting pulling her feathers out and as much as I try to distract her, without her knowing that I see what she is doing, she continues to keep doing it. She is almost 6 yrs old so I am concern about her puberty (excuse my spelling please)is it to soon or when do they start? If you look at all my pictures you will see about how it made have come about but then I am not to sure about that. She is still really active and talks to the dogs and people when they come over. She whistles and sings songs plus she hums alot. She barks and says hello baby and what is the baby girl doing. She talks alot. She seems the same except for the pulling of the feathers. There are pictures of her where she is showing a ring around her collar. I don't mean that joking but I wanted to show so when I talk about it you will know what it is that I am saying. Could anyone please help her. I was told that she maybe looking for a mate but I would rather not as then she wouldn't be a pet. I was told that they changed when they are used for breeding and I don't want her to change but just continue being happy with all of her feathers. Many thanks and God Bless, Linda..SilverStarr ----Treat the Animals the way you would like to be Treated!
  6. Hello Ben, I had a Blue Front Amazon and Silky was the best. She taught me more about birds than I thought I could learn. She was so gently with me. When we got our CAG (SilverStarr)she would growl and shriek but Silky would talk to her and taught her not to do that. Silky was a mimicker. She sang songs that I taught her and different sayings. She was a fantastic bird. She used to bark in three different tones as I had three dogs a the time and she also meowed. She would greet me with Hello baby, what is the baby girl doing? I so do miss her but she was one of my stepping stones in life and I thank God that she was mine. I wish you the best in what ever decision you make. ----- Treat all animals the way you would like to be treated!...SilverStarr...Linda
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