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Everything posted by Gazbhoy

  1. Sorry i posted this in sombody elses post. Ive noticed for a while now that my 2/3 year old CAG Finlay loves woman and dislikes men, i dont really understand this as im the one that feeds and waters him every day gives him some treats and he stayes in my room whick im always in talking to him. Dont get me wrong he will step up for me but he gets bored with me easily and will have a bite at my arm. Trying to get him bk into/on his cage starts him biting too. But once my mum comes into the room you see him turn to jelly lol. Is there any way to get him to open up to me and accept me as his master and the hand that feeds him ? I love him but im getting to the end of my tether with all the biting as i just got a real bad oane on the nail and its all split. <br><br>Post edited by: Gazbhoy, at: 2009/02/08 05:22
  2. Ive noticed for a while now that my 2/3 year old CAG Finlay loves woman and dislikes men, i dont really understand this as im the one that feeds and waters him every day gives him some treats and he stayes in my room whick im always in talking to him. Dont get me wrong he will step up for me but he gets bored with me easily and will have a bite at my arm. Trying to get him bk into/on his cage starts him biting too. But once my mum comes into the room you see him turn to jelly lol. Is there any way to get him to open up to me and accept me as his master and the hand that feeds him ?<br><br>Post edited by: Gazbhoy, at: 2009/02/07 12:37
  3. Gazbhoy


    Thanks dave for your great information i will let you know how i get on with him.
  4. Gazbhoy


    I can take him out his cage fine but when he is on top of it he bites me, and when he climbes up on my shoulder he will have a hard bite at my ear ive tryed acting like it doesnt bother me to no avail. The other day i was trying to get him back in his cage as i was going to sleep and he just bit right onto my arm and left 2 scratches. He just bites me when im trying to have a conversation with him. He can be a good bird the sometimes its like he just doesnt like me. My mum can scratch his head and stroke him but if i was to try he would have one of my fingers for lunch. Im very confident round about him so i havent been showing him any fear. When i just got him he was fine and didnt bite me but the more friendly my mum is with him its like the less friendly he wants to get with me ? I dont know how to let him know "IM BOSS" and that i wont stand for his biting. I bought a book parrot lopaedia but thats not really helped. What should i do ?
  5. Gazbhoy


    Hello everyone, im having a little problem with my 2 year old COG Finlay. Hes started biting me quite often, ive tryed the method of not letting him know it was sore but that hasnt worked. He doesnt bite my mum hes like putty in her hands. So im mistified why he bites me, ive spent hundreds of time with him and had him out quite a lot and he has hundreds of toys. What can i do to stop the biting ?<br><br>Post edited by: Gazbhoy, at: 2008/12/11 23:04
  6. My mum says everytime she lifts him out he acts like that she asked if you have any tips to stop him acting like that ?. She talks to him and he gets exited. Hes bringing up seed aswell when hes acting like this. When mu mum put him bk on the cage after i took the video he ruffled his feathers up and had a few bites of my finger, is that whats causing it ?
  7. Hey im just new to african greys and got one last week his name is finlay and hes 2 years old, hes took to my mum but not really took to me that much but i can get him to step up and sit on my shoulder etc.... Although he has started biting me just recently. He does a strange thing when my mums handling him what is he doing ? Have a look at the video i took plz.
  8. He is 2 danmcq, i was looking for a grey for about a week or so and then came across him on adtrader. I went and seen him and he sold himself to me lol he lived with a couple on a farm and they bread dogs so thats why he barks lol
  9. He is 2 years old BaxtersMom Yeah hes settling more every day hes so comical lol
  10. " You sure my hair looks ok ? "
  11. Hello i purchased my first CAG on thursday, he was a little spooked when we brought him home but he has came on leaps and bounds since then he will step go on your shoulder and give your ear a little lick lol. Hes also started saying a few words, hello, good boy, C'mon, and will bark like a dog. Lastnight he imitated a mobile phone then said hello after it stopped was so funny:laugh: Heres a little picture of him. Post edited by: Gazbhoy, at: 2008/11/23 22:57<br><br>Post edited by: Gazbhoy, at: 2008/11/23 22:58
  12. I will take some pictures and post them up in the next few days, his other owners called him finlay although i dont like the name i thought i better keep it as it as he will be familliar with it. His last owners had him on a poor diet of nuts and seeds so hes kinda fat lol Im trying to get him eating fruit and veg but hes kinda just taking a bite and discarding it ? Although he enjoys apple. He was brought up with cats as my cat was with birds so the 2 of them enjoy having a little peek at eachother. This is my first greay so i have been using the forum trying to pick up a bit of knowlege. Thanks everyone for being so nice. Gary
  13. Thanks Dave I think he is a little spooked from the drive becuase i was holding him earlier before i bought him and now hes a little snappy, so will let him get used to his new environment and get him to gain my trust. I will definately be using this site a lot in the future its got a lot of great information.
  14. Hello everybody, i just bought my first african grey today. Hes 2 years old and such a lovely bird.
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