Its possible to get a mix minus the alcohol,which you must then dilute in bottled water and keep in the fridge
Rescue remedy is usually sold in the store and is a combination of several plant extracts, but if you look through a search engine you can find details of the seperate flower remedies and get a mix to suit your needs.
As for raffia its sold in florists you can tie it to the side of the cage and birdy can have fun shredding it;)
My cockatoo has a hard plastic peanut shaped treat holder and he has to figure out how to get the nuts through the nut shaped holes, but my grey has one of the rubbery, holey treat holders and hasnt yet chewed it to bits..
I cant think of much more to suggest but I hope it goes well with whatever you get to try next;)
P.s you have a great looking grey, what a fantastic picture.<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/26 11:17