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  1. Update! I think I have decided to add this grey to my little flock...I will call the breeder tomorrow...One more question for you all, is it true that if you are male, then a female grey is best, if you are male, then a female is more apt to bond with you? My Timneh is a male and bonded to me...this little Congo isn't DNA'd as of yet...possibly a female...How many of you are the opposite of your grey?
  2. Hello, no I didn't adopt the Congo, he was taken before I was able to visit him. But? I do have another I am looking at...this bird is about 1 1/2, doesn't seem to like my hands which is understandable, doesn't seem to know how to step up, squawks alot when movement is around, but? I feel a connection and urge to work with him! The breeder is not going to breed anymore, just had this bird left, she said he seemed to be comfortable around me considering he wasn't around others that were interested in him. Not sure what to do...I would rather rescue or give an adult home, but never took in an older bird and worried about bonding..I know I would love to bond with him! But? Not sure what he thinks! He kept running up my arm to my shoulder which I know is a no-no, but he wouldn't let me take him down without trying to bite...however, he did let me kiss his soft belly while up there preening my eyebrow...argh! What do you all think? She is asking 600 but I know price isn't everything...thank you..
  3. Bea

    Is this normal?

    Casper, thanks for asking about my Timneh "Otis"...He is saying a little more every day, maybe not as often, but last night? He ran down the list of just about everything he knows how to say! He is still eating like a little pig as well as playing normally...Thank goodness, I sure hope he was just "traumatized" these past 2 silent weeks from that trimming...Maybe it also had to do with the fact that we drove an hour up and back from the breeder to have it done, which we don't usually do, lots of different people handled him, etc. Maybe it really affected him? Who knows...But? Things seem to be going well at the moment, any changes I'll have him checked out, we are currently in the middle of a snowstorm so I'm glad we didn't have to go out today..Thanks again for your kindness!
  4. Bea

    Is this normal?

    Oh shoot, thanks judygram for letting me know about the aloe vera juice, (I didn't see that post when I just wrote the other one!) I am heading out to walmart this afternoon. And yes, I have gone bird-nutty!
  5. Bea

    Is this normal?

    Luvparrots - yes, I was thinking that it might've made him a little mad too But wasn't sure if he'd hold a grudge for 2 weeks...hmmm. Like I'd said, everything else seems fine and he eats like crazy. Where do you all get the aloe vera juice? I do think he has itchy skin because of our dry air...thanks!
  6. Thank you all for your warm welcomes! As a matter of fact, I just saw, that there is an 8 year old Congo at an animal shelter, not bird rescue, about an hour away...Nothing else is known about him. I might go visit Saturday to see him. Supposedly an allergy forced them to take him to a shelter. They said the people bought him from a pet store. What do you all think? A rescue would be great for me...
  7. Hello everyone, I've been reading the forum for quite sometime but just joined today. I am the proud mom to a caique (2yrs.) , a cockatiel (3 yrs.), and a Timneh grey (14 months). My husband and I have had all since they were weaned. We would love to add one more to our flock sometime...most likely another grey, maybe a Congo. We just love these wonderful intelligent birds. You all are so knowledgable and have such good advice, I am looking forward to participating with you all.
  8. Bea

    Is this normal?

    Thank you Judygram, I will post in the introduction section, thank you also for your reply. He does seem fine in every other way except for vocalizing but I do think I will have him checked. Also, I do bath him regularly, but I am interested in getting some of the Aloe vera juice, what kind/brand or what form does it come in and where do I purchase it? Thanks again!
  9. Hello everyone, I have a question, has anyone's grey ever stopped making noises and talking just because they had their wings and nails trimmed? My little Timneh had his wings clipped and nails trimmed a couple weeks ago, he has hardly made any noise since. No talking either. He was just fine before I took him. He eats very well, plays, and has good poops. Not sure whether to take him in to be checked out or what. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also, he seems to preen alot and I have found various feathers in his cage. He is 14 months old, his head and back seemed to have molted within the last couple months but these feathers seemed to come from the chest or tail area. Do they molt starting in one area and gradually molt in other areas? Thank you for reading my post...I'll wait for your reply...Also, just yesterday, I did hear him say a couple little words such as peekaboo, a couple of squeals too. So hopefully he might be coming out of this?
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