Hello, no I didn't adopt the Congo, he was taken before I was able to visit him. But? I do have another I am looking at...this bird is about 1 1/2, doesn't seem to like my hands which is understandable, doesn't seem to know how to step up, squawks alot when movement is around, but? I feel a connection and urge to work with him! The breeder is not going to breed anymore, just had this bird left, she said he seemed to be comfortable around me considering he wasn't around others that were interested in him. Not sure what to do...I would rather rescue or give an adult home, but never took in an older bird and worried about bonding..I know I would love to bond with him! But? Not sure what he thinks! He kept running up my arm to my shoulder which I know is a no-no, but he wouldn't let me take him down without trying to bite...however, he did let me kiss his soft belly while up there preening my eyebrow...argh! What do you all think? She is asking 600 but I know price isn't everything...thank you..