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Fred jumps all the time. From the top of her big ole cage down to the hard floor. She seems to do it when - a. we both go outside, she jumps off, runs across the floor and then climbs up the screen door to watch the outside world or b. when she has decided she has had enough "out but on the cage" time and would rather come be with us if we have lapsed in our attention and not come to get her already. Her wings are clipped and I am going to have to make a tough decision when they grow in (I would prefer she fly) butright now I don't want to stop the jumping off as one day she'll do it after she gets enough flight feathers in and fly or hover a little before she falls and maybe build on that to get her flying.
Hey ZD, Is that Karen in Torrance? Birds n more? I got my CAG baby from her and while I don't know about the Cameroon deal the baby I have is WONDERFUL!! She sure does do a great job with the birds she raises. I know she is great about emails - you can always email her and ask the Cameroon question.I found her to be very open and informative - it would be interesting to see her answer to this.
Luckily Fred does her cussing in Spanish. :whistle: She came from a place in Torrance with a heavy Latino influence and I noticed that the employees were mostly of Latino descent so now I know where she got her words . . . As long as visitors do not understand Spanish we are safe!
Hi Ace!! I recently got my CAG from a great breeder/pet store in Torrance called Birds and More. I did a lot of research and many many emails and calls back and forth with the owner Karen and was SO IMPRESSED!! I brought our gorgeous girl home in October and have just been amazed at how good she is, no biting or plucking, very well socialized to lots of foods and other things. She talks up a storm and is not yet a year old. It really made being a Grey owner very easy! Here is her website, check it out! Good Luck!
Me too!! I was surprised to get such a nice call or any call for that matter since he is a busy man. He has a TON of info and is happy to share. I am a customer for life!! Can't wait to get these and get Fred started, the palm oil I use now is so smelly (due to the processing) she does not like it much.
Yeah - I have never had so many veggies in my house at any time. Frozen, fresh, and canned - making sure stuff is no sodium and the like. My boyfriend is the funniest though. I am the one that wanted our grey and found and bought her. But now when Scott and I go grocery shopping he is the one running up with all sorts of things for her - and money is no object. The most expensive organic nuts and veggies all go in the cart for HER not us!!
Well I have posted on this before. I use them - at home so Fred can hang with us and meander at her leisure on the couch without having to deal with poop and paper towels. I particularly love them when we're traveling and then she can be out in a new place without worry of poop on a non-bird person's furniture! She is a youngster and I am able to touch her all over - she's very very good. So as far as the flight suit I just put it on her and have let her get desensitized to it over time. The fact that everytime she has it on she gets treats and is able to be with us makes it a positive experience and she never chews on it unless she wants to preen and it's in her way - then she really only picks at it a little. I use that as a signal to remove the suit and put her back on her cage so she can preen herself.
THANK YOU and KARMA to dan and luvparrots!!! I have been waiting for this moment for SO long!! Sent off my check to Richard today!!
OMG!!! HA HA HA HA HA!! I just had to laugh at myself!! Dangit Luvparrots why did you have to post pictures!!?? I had the same problem when I got my cage . . . one 8x11 piece of paper on how to put together the entire thing. Bumbled along okay until the seed guard and was going to leave it off until the BF said he liked the idea of it on. So I cursed and grubled and broke out the tools and made the darn thing fit. The only thing is I have the edges and screws on the INSIDE of the guard and not the outside like yours! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hmmmm - I don't think I have the fortitude to go through that again, especially after I had to "fix" the panels so they would go together! Thanks for the laugh this morning!!
I still sing it's praises every time I use it whether it be a spot clean or the weekly big clean. I finally have to take out the one rope perch where she eats because even with this cleaner it's gotten all grody with her wiping her beak on it after eating. Lots of muck deep in the fibers but without the cleaner I would have to probably take it out and deep clean it every week. And it's cheap - not a lot of money to try it. I swear it works - I would not blow sunshine up anyone's rear!! :laugh:
Why don't I ever see my grey drink water?
redkim replied to PekingeseMama's topic in The GREY Lounge
I watched Fred this morning with her breakfast and lots of things she put in her mouth and then squished and drank the juice. She also has a water bottle, I like that a lot as the water is always clean and I can monitor her daily usage via the level. Afetr she started drinking from the bottle I left a dish of water in there anyway and she just wasn't interested in it so I ended up taking it out. -
Fred is free fed Zupreem pellets (she only likes the fruity ones, such a child!) and a very good seed mix but every morning for breakfast she gets a big bowl of tons of veggies, pasta, lean meat, egg and various legumes and she about falls all over herself getting to the bowl when I put it in. I let her figure out the ratio she prefers and she's doing great. She eats pretty much all that's in her breakfast bowl, I'll see her hit up the pellets and seed in the afternoon and pellets again in the evening. I think as long as you see them eating a good mix of things and getting a good variety of food they're going to do very well.
What cage cleaning agents are safe for AG's?
redkim replied to PekingeseMama's topic in The GREY Lounge
I use a product called AviClean and am completely sold on it! Totally safe, I just spray it on wait a few seconds and wipe it off - no scrubbing even on dried poop and food. No rinsing and it's pretty cheap. I spray it on with a foaming sprayer which helps me use even less and it is a lifesaver, no elbow grease required. -
Well Fred is 9 months and is working through her baby talk. A lot of stuff is clear and a lot needs work! Anyway - last night she was hanging on the couch with us and I had a bunch of paperwork I was working on. I know I know - trying to keep paper safe is a no no with a grey. Anyway she was doing a very nice job of entertaining herself away from the papers and finally decided to come see what I was doing. She knows she should not chew on my papers so very delicately she would lift a paper and hold it up. I would absentmindedly take the paper and put it back down. This became a fun game until she decided to start chewing. I firmly pointed my finger at her and said NO. She looked at me, dropped the paper, went "wooooo", bent her head and proceeded to give herself scritches on my pointed finger. So much for discipline. :side:
The part that seems the fishiest is that the 10 yr old macaw was listed in 2006 and then again in 2009 without changing age . . . And yup - is not listed in the profile either but other animals are. I wonder, does this miracle non-aging bird exist or is someone trying to scam a free AG?