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Everything posted by Maviarab

  1. Thanks guys, appreciated. Whatever happens, will stick around the forums
  2. Right after very careful consideration I have decided to try and rehome my boy. Again as per first post, this has not been an easy decision but one I feel is best for him and myself at this moment in time and for the forseeable future. If any of you are interested, or know of anyione who may be interested, please PM me for further details.
  3. Hi all, Spoken to Dan who advised me to post in here. Due to a relapse in my health I may have to rehome my cag Ash. This is not something I particulary wish to do, not will it be a decision taken lightly. At this moment it is only a possibility and nothing is certain or decided yet. Due to my health, it may become that I can no longer give him the time, attention or love he needs and deserves, and if this happens rather than keep him and risk upsetting, making ill and or him become less tame, I would rather see him go to someone who can give him what he needs. Again, this may not and hopefully will not have to happen, but I would rather be prepared and have options should it come to this. If anyone may be potentially interested (I'm in the UK) then please feel free to PM me for full details regarding him (birth, certificates etc). Thanks you.<br><br>Post edited by: Maviarab, at: 2009/02/20 19:33
  4. Thanks folks Got the abse bird stand/house of an Ebay shop here in Uk, he actually delivered it himself on the back of his flat bed van...will have to ask mum exactly which seller it was as she ordered it. And yeah he loves it. Does not spend much time down the bottom/middle, though saying that he used the ladder for the first time yesterday (think he was more interested in trying to destroy the cable ties) but his favourite pastime at the moment is trying to remove the screws I used to hold the top perches in place lol....typical eh?
  5. Excellent list Lisa, many thanks
  6. Journeyman, this is where we disagree unfortunatly. I believe in a little of everything, especially lots of fresh fruit and veg. I would personally never feed a pellet diet. But that is not really what I asked, I asked what constitutes a good seed mix (he eats pretty much everything I give him anyway so i have no concerns there thankfully), this is just something to nibble on whenever he happens to be in his cage and probably makes up 25% of his daily intake. I'm just trying to make it myself rather than be paying for retail costs, as my first post stated
  7. Right, after the initial purchase, I am almost now out of seed and Kaytee mix. Then it came to me as it has others here, why keep paying inflated prices to a shop when I can mix/make it myself? Found this site (UK based)http://www.streetendfeeds.co.uk/index.php which seem reasonable (have mailed them and got good responses back) and was wondering what others thought? Would rather buy in bulk from a farm, knowing their quality, knowing its coming straight from them and helping them out from a shop where I have no idea where the product has come from etc. So, your thoughts, and also what actually constitutes a good mix. Now bare in mind that this is just his 'in cage' food as he gets a variety of different breakfasts and nibbles throughout the day, so its really just a base food for him to nibble on if he feels like it. But am a little disappointed at the high number of sunflower seeds in all the 'bought' mixes so another reason for mixing my own buying straight food. To add to this, where would be the best place (in UK) to obtain things like cracked corn, beans, lentils etc...health food shops? Thanks in advance.
  8. 4 Cats and the Grey here. Was just my mums cat, then I moved in with my 3 after dad died. Mums cat is terrified of Ash, Ash chases my male cat, which is a strange sight, goes bonkers if my oldest female(Torty)is around (and I certainly don't trust her) and my Siamese is...well...without being unkind she would be like an autistic child. She is certainly not 100% upstairs bless her, but her and Ash get on like they were raised with each other. So much so that when he helps eat our dinner, she tries to steal bits and he leaves bits for her. So at the moment, fairly peaceful house most of the time, considering the animals lol.
  9. Thanks folks. Interesting to know about the back, actually never knew that, and he never bothers with me touching him there...weird eh? And command word to return is something I'm now working on amongst other things once mum better...if all fails will probably keep him in his cage if I'm out for a while, probably the lesser of the evils in terms of his stress...will see how it goes Thanks again for all your comments.
  10. Thanks Nychsa, Stepping up is never an issue with anyone (so far), the problem really is him not wanting to go back. So even if on a perch, he would just fly away as soon as he was near his cage, so yeah maybe no bites, but still out lol We have decided as well as trying to get him to go back by command, we are going to work on slowly and gradually getting him used to being touched by my mum so that hopefully should I need to be gone for a long period of time, at least he will be used to having her hands on him. Need her to get healed first though, biggest problem is mum has very thin skin and cuts/bruises just by thinking about it, least with me i can take a hammering if he's in the mood etc, mum cant do that. But we have ideas and will let you know our progress
  11. Thanks Judy, mum has been warmed by your comments. And yes, I tend to agree that he was just being obstinate and her touching him was the final straw that sent him into the frenzy. I've said this to her and she seems to agree that as you say, it was just his natural defense, just a pity it was my mum (who has easily broken skin) who copped for it. So yes, he does get on with her more now that at first, and will happily spend time with her (especially when she has food lol) so I'm sure it was just a bad combination of actions. She not annoyed with him that way, but obviously the doubt is now back in her mind. Will certainly keep you updated as to how they progress, think my next set of lessons will concentrate now on commands to return to his cage on his own? If we can master that then that might be the best long term solution, pity thats a long term goal.
  12. Dan, no she hasn't really. I'm the only person who can touch him freely anywhere on him without repercussions. And she has put him back before (with a bite for her trouble) but nothing like this time. Putting him back is never simple anyway, I seem to have just gotten myself a technique where I don't give him much time to think about how to get away. And even I most times have to 'hold' him to put him back, though he doesn't bite me.<br><br>Post edited by: Maviarab, at: 2008/12/27 16:50
  13. He seemed fine with her this morning. He sat with me in front room after his breakfast, doing his usual thing. Wasnt fazed by her at all. Forgot to mention. Despite the attack, she refused to let go of him and she did get him back. Once back from the hospital she spent most of the day in the front room and ignored him, and apparently he has never chatted so much. So yes, If I need to be out for a while, just leaving him in is an option I guess that we have discussed, but thought I would see what you good folks suggest. So normally, going back in cage is never an issue, just didnt seem to want to yesterday for my mum...so its that side that needs addressing really...
  14. As the nurse put it...thats what happened to my mum yesterday. Over the last few weeks that I've had Ash, he has adjusted well imo, has now gotten used to my mother and will happily spend time with her. With this in mind, my usual Boxing Day trip to see family (some 250 miles away) went ahead, with my mum confident she would be able to cope with him. Well, apparently all went swimmingly up to her needing to put him back in his cage. She got him out ok in morning, helped make breakfast, ate his food on top og his cage, came down afterwards for a play on the floor, then came into office to play on his stand while mum worked on pc (all pretty usual routine that I do with him). When she needed to put him back, he played up, flying about etc etc (does with me occasionally), then he went upstairs so after him mum went. He stepped up off floor for her and she began to come back downstairs with him on her hand. She sensed that he was about to fly off again so placed her other hand on his back (which is what I do) and he apparently went beserk on her. When I got back last night, she had been taken to A&E by a friend of ours, she has bandages on 2 of her fingers, a hole in her hand and a big hole in her shoulder. As the nurse said...savaged. So, to my mind, I know he is ok with my mum now, but decided he just did not want to go back in his cage, and when she placed her hand on him he freaked. Only thing I can think off. Problem now is, mum is now slightly afraid of handling him again, and should I ever need to be out of the house for a long period of time, how can my mum get him back into his cage without further bloodshed? Any help, advice, tips etc be greatly appreciated. And after that, Merry Christmas to everyone, sorry missed the previous posts, but been mad busy. Hope everyone had a great time
  15. Heh thanks guys, again cant take all the credit as bought a base house/stand then just added/removed bits as I saw fit. Glad you all like it though
  16. Well after much sawdust, bleeding and cursing, I finally got his stand finished. Bought a base outside bird stand made from safe and untreated wood (specially made from supplier) and then 'modified' it to suit. Think it looks pretty good, Ash likes it anyway which I guess is all that really matters
  17. Ok results are in and Ash is a ... BOY heh
  18. Heh hoping for a girl as seem to get on better with with female creatures (no comments please lol) so will let you know soon as I know. And fantastic news (in a way), While was cleaning up the kitchen Ash was put back into his cage while I hoovered and washed the plates and pans etc. From out of nowhere he uttered what was close to a 'hello' and while may have been a random noise, it certainly sounded like the word and not just a 'noise. He done it again since this morning, I'm so pleased Would seem to me he is just experimenting with his own voice, as he still very young, but certainly caught me by surprise when I heard it.
  19. Had Ash chipped and paid for his dna test this morning...he a 'poorly' bird now hehe Lots of 'poorly baby' and 'its a shame' is met with chirps, foot up and wing out lol..such a character already. Await the results now...
  20. Why not. MSN - maviarab@hotmail.com YAHOO - mariusabram@yahoo.co.uk And Trillian so much easier than having multiple windows/apps running..
  21. Couple more pictures for you all. Ash coming on in leaps and bounds at the moment so will let you know of his progress
  22. To be honest I'm suprised at how well he has settled in. Already understanding his step up and have already started toilet training him also, though this one having mixed results at moment hehe, but know it just takes time and patience. He even now no longer getting upset if i get a few feet away from too so thats also pleasing. Also pleasing, it would appear he has been fully fledged etc, while not exactly graceful or strong at the moment he certainly knows how to fly and has already demenstrated his confidence etc in flying from back of chair to me (about 3 feet) so overall I'm a very happy person and hope that he continues to progress at his current rate. At this moment in time (hmmm maybe the calm before the storm? lol) I feel I'vemanaged to get a well rounded bird And yes have more pics taken but still on camera at moment...will get them up over weekend as unfortunatly have a date at the new BMW dealer for the new 7 series launch tonight which I cant get out of..so hopefully mum can keep him company etc And once again, thanks for all your kind comments
  23. Same here cflanny...a flat electronic one. Anyway...he was much much better this morning and managed to get him weighed so hopefully the improvements will continue Thanks for all your help.
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