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Everything posted by ruby1

  1. I am off to the supermarket this morning i will get some brocolli this morning and hang it up she seems to like monkey nuts alot are these of any value to our birds or are they just a polly filler.
  2. Thanks for all the advice it is brilliant i am going to carry on. Can anyone tell me roughly how many pellet should i give her.
  3. THanks for that i tried to be clever earlier i opened a monkey nut and put a peice of sugar snap pea in the pod in it, and yes she tried it. Tomorrow i will hold back on the seed and put pellets and fruit and veg in the morning i will also try this with my other birds as some of the conures will not eat fruit, i have seen some of the recipes in the cook book on the site. It is good to know that i am not the only one with a seed junkie thanks karen
  4. Hi i have a baby timneh she about 12 weeks but she will not entertain any fruit or veg, i have tried her with pellets but they are a no go as well, all she wants are seeds. I am wondering as she tends to eat more in the morning if i did not put any seed in and just put the fresh food in for an hour and then put the seed mix in after this. I do put a mix of crushed mineral block and cuttle fish in the seed and i have tried the fresh food with and without the mix. I just worrie that she is a seed junkie and i would like to see her eat more of a species suitable diet.
  5. Hi thanks everyone, I have a pair of bcc my son and i were looking for one and we saw a pair on the internet so we put our funds together and they are lovely. we have a pair of quaker parrots which my son had a passion for and the same again we wanted 1 and got 2 so we made an avairy in our garden. We then had to get a green cheek and a yellow sided split/green cheeek which i bought for my daughter for her birthday, she loves to come in to the garden and watch and take care of the birds and wanted nothing but her own birds to take care of for her birthday. I also have 5 pairs of english budgies they are the most fun little things you could see i can wathch them all day getting in to trouble. Now we come to our house birds we have our new tag she is 11 weeks old (we assume she) she is a real gem the reason we got her was to replace my little sun conure, we had him for 5 months he was my baby i loved him very much but he died along with one of my lovebirds my daughter had put an aerosol deodarant on in our hall and the only reason our vet and us can come up with was the fumes. Which is right as the hen lovbird was in the nest and within 1 hour the sun and lovebird had died. This was soul destroying for my family so my eldest daughter felt so guilty ( which she should not as she was in the other room and we did not know that a deodarant would do this) she then got our little tag for us she has so many habits that we need to get used to and one of them is diging in her food bowl and throughing her seed everywhere, she only seems to do this after we have put her back in her cage but it is funny. What kind of birds does everyone else have.<br><br>Post edited by: ruby1, at: 2008/11/03 22:06
  6. Hi everyone do not know how i came across this site but i am glad i have. I am new to the world of the african grey. I do have other birds which are just as lovley but our timneh has something a little different about her.
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