Thank you all for your posts. I recently added a TAG to my empty flock... I have another parrot but am unable to get her from the evil ex right now and waiting for court proceedings to get her back. I was so sad without my baby that I was going to the local bird shop to visit the baby's and that just made things worse. Well I always wanted a Grey and thought that due to quarunteeen it is a great time to add one ! When my other baby comes home the quarunteen will be over. Anyway my other parrot is a White Belly Caique and I miss her so so much but until court I am unable to get her. Now to make a long post longer... they grey personality is so different to me so I feel like learning bird all over again. She has actually been great compaired to the stories I read here. She was a little tempermental at the bird store compaired to the other parrots but she was also the most vocal, she gave me kisses (yes I am brave.....and always wanted a lip piercing haha j/k) .. I guess I am so used to my other parrot that a few times I got hard pinches from her beak which really is nothing but I wanted to know the best way to train her to be gentle. I think the beak wrestle advice will probably be the next thing I try. I did that with my other parrot but she had a much smaller beak. Another interesting thing she is doing is flying (or plopping due to wings trim) onto the carpet lets say from the sofa to do her business which I find interesting. I trained my other parrot to go on command (never to hold it though) and am working on that with this one and find this going on the floor thing quite interesting. All of your posts help ! Thanks B)