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  1. well just got the nuse:silly: .my babe gray hached last night. 2 out of 4 egs hached. my frend sead they are very helthy and hungry. cant wate to see then.i will post a pivk later to maro.i will have to figer out how to post a pick her:kiss:
  2. yes i did her this.i am debating using a starter cage mush smaller or lift the grat almost to the top and put the branshis and toys 2 to 3 inches from the botom. with lots of towels like you menshined. i see they have info in the nursry secken but i am locking for a bock in much more deepth.about good wates so i can way him now and then and things to wach out for our sun and jenday will be very good frens to him
  3. i did find very good info in the nurse but stil locking for a reel good bock
  4. i just coudent dich the cage it is 6 fet high by 4 wide.this baby will be lost in it til he is like 1 yeri will only use the top secon til ne is 15 weeks.now i have to do a lot of reserch on rasing a 2 month old babe.any one have any goud articals or know any reel good bocks about rasing a gray from a babe. the eags hach ane day.so i ned to name him to.i will post picks wen he is home
  5. thank you i ended up geting it sand blasted and power coted for 150 just had to call a lot of plasesi to find this prise not a lot of plases have bisnes now.so you can get a grat prise.shoud be geting my gray in 2 to 3 months it will be 2 months old when i get him home now i nwd to think of a name sare for the spelling i have dyslexia
  6. i under stand a shp has to do it it is just i herd some cotings have zinc and chromate wich is dedly to a bird the zinc is for fiting rust the chinese cages they say have this in ther power cot pant agen sare for the spelling i have dyslexia
  7. but powdercoating ther is lotes of diferent kins of powdercoated pantes i think. i will then get it powdercoated if i can find out wich powdercoated pant to have them use.dos ane one know
  8. Hi. I will be getting a 4 month old baby in 4 months. I would like to know if somebody's grey chews on the cage or chips the paint off? I have a very large cage and have done a lot of research on bird safe paint and found this one, it has no voc and noled ,zinc ,chromate http://www.mythicpaint.com/ I read that greys don't chew on their cages? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you! Pat
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