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  1. Anyone have any thoughts on what is going on here? My Timneh Nikki is now about 1 1/2 years. She comes upstairs with me in the morning while I do my bath routine. She looks out the window for a 1/2 hour & then sits on a mirror perch next to the sink. When I go to brush my teeth she is right there wanting to play with the other end of the toothbrush. I oblige her. She likes to grab my pinkie & hang on while I scrub away, or she wants me to bump her beak with the end of the toothbrush as I am brushing...either way she begins blushing. When I have to spit out the toothpaste she thinks I am feeding her (or so it appears) Do I need to stop brushing my teeth in front of her & go down the hall to the other bath or is this just a little game? I don't let her taste the toothpaste, I already know it is not something she should have.
  2. Nikki


    Wish I still had my horse to blame......
  3. Nikki


    Yeah the birds look fine.... I just assumed it had something to do with them. We don't have cats or dogs here.
  4. Nikki


    Okay here goes an unpleasant topic. Have any of you had problems with ringworm (human) as a result of keeping birds? Lately I am breaking out in small circles of this stuff. I medicate one & a new one pops up. To many birdie kisses or is it from the poop or maybe none of the above????? I am perplexed.
  5. Nikki


    I hope this helps another person prevent this from happening to their bird. She seems ok this morning after a long rest but the area around her eyes still looks a bit blood shot, I think she may have injured some blood vessels or something. She has been very quiet all day, I'm sure she is hurting a little. She's eating, pruning & picking up her toys so I think she will be fine.
  6. Nikki


    This is the photo of the ring. I had 3 of these.
  7. Nikki


    OK I took a picture of the plastic ring. There were 3 of these things hooked together. A cute toy for a very small bird but a bad choice to hang in a timneh's cage<br><br>Post edited by: Nikki, at: 2009/09/26 02:48
  8. Nikki


    Well I just had a real scare with Nikki. Had her on the deck in her outdoor cage. I had 3 plastic rings hanging from the top of the cage which I did not realize till now were the perfect size for her to get her little timneh head into. I heard this horrible squawking & she was upside down with her feet hanging onto the top bars but her head was thru the ring encircling her neck. When she let go with her feet she was hanging herself & frantic, trying to fly away. She let me cup her back to hold her still but when my husband approached with wire cutters she freaked. Somehow he cut her loose from the top of the cage but she was still wearing the necklace. After she calmed down we covered her head with a towel & she allowed us to snip the plastic ring off. One eye looks bloodshot I hope she is going to recover ok. I put her to bed early so she could rest. I feel so bad for having those rings hanging in there. They belonged to my green cheek who has a much smaller head, I just didn't think….
  9. Yes Nikki knows the large container of plain yogurt & is practically falling off her perch to reach it. I was only getting it out to have a serving for myself but I end up sharing first.
  10. Nikki

    Iron toy

    I have an iron toy that I bought at a bird show. I have since read that they are not safe. I've added a photo. It looked like a lot of fun, I have it indoors where it will not rust.
  11. Nikki


    Wow! That's impressive, enjoy!
  12. Nikki


    I am trying my best to be patient. Her voice is so cute to hear, I just want more of it! My green cheek knows exactly what she is saying, it is always the right phrase at the right time. I am so eager to see what my grey has on her mind.
  13. Nikki


    I am very grateful to all of you that answered this post. I am glad I found this out before I made this a practice! My green cheek also loved to chew garlic buds so I assumed it was OK & perhaps good for her. I am grateful I did not harm her, over time I have perhaps given her 3 or 4 buds total. I will never allow her near another. My grey has only had one bud...I wonder why they appear to like it so much? I should do more reading!
  14. Nikki


    I'd like to hear from others as to when their grey began to talk. I know not all of them do talk, some are just big on sounds & whistles. My Timneh is just over a year, she whistles great & makes the sounds of my green cheek. She does many vowel sounds, says hello (sometimes) & says uhh ohh. She sounds adorable in so many ways but seems slow with the talking. My green cheek probably can say 50 words or so, she started early & is still coming out with new things. Am I expecting to much to soon or is she just a quiet one? I talk to her all the time & she is out most of the day with the family. I really would like to know how other birds her age are doing with their vocabulary.
  15. My Timneh is developing bad eating habits. Think I need to change a few things. She will eat pretzels, chips, cheese & yogurt none of which is good for her, but given as a treat sometimes. She turns her beak up at things I have read are suppose to be good. I give her a top brand of parrot food made for greys but it's all the fresh fruit & vegetables I am concerned about. Some things she loves, like grapes, soy beans, peas, chick peas but many other things she is way to picky about. Do I just keep offering food she won't eat & throwing it out? I don't want to give the impression she does not eat well but her taste in food is not what i expected.
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