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Everything posted by ickabod

  1. two sausages in a pan. one sausage turns to the other and say's, it's very hot in here. the other sausage turns to the first and say's AAAARGH A TALKING SUASAGE
  2. constipated people don't give a sh*t
  3. got to go now, speak to you all tomorrow, good night regards, ste
  4. will try to get some pics but she is camera shy regards, ste
  5. hello melissa marples(super slueth)it's great you found charlie. regards, ste
  6. not really. i forget most of the time, but i picked up a few subtle hint's the wife threw my way. OUCH:laugh:
  7. bad spelling, fly's flyes. danm this dislixic, dislik,dislick, this spelling thingy???
  8. sorry for the late reply again, but i have to fight for the computer, yes it was a suprise for the wife,she loves sparky and jesse but they only let me near them. But little kai loves the wife to bits. thanks for the congrats it's been 11 years since we tied the knot, how time flies. regards, ste
  9. thank you very much for a lovely welcome regards, ste
  10. Friday was our wedding aniversary, so after work I took a trip down mabblethorpe way for the wifes presey. After a 2 hour drive plus 1 detour(bridge closed)I arrived and duly collected sed presey, a beut 12 week old congo african grey, now called kai. I think i will be in the wife,s good books for many years to come as she loves kai with loads of cuddles and kisses which he returns with relish, such a beutifull little gentleman he is. regards, ste ps, I normaly forget our anniversary so a good day allround.
  11. they are both congo african greys
  12. Sooooo sorry for the long delay in replying it's been hectic here, but i have put a few pic's of sparky and jesse on the photo album, hope you like themm
  13. thank you, yes they are heart broken but they thought of the greys first. Iam sure the wealth of knowledge on here is mindblowing. regards. ste
  14. Hi,jess is 6 and sparky is 7, both very tame and want cuddles constantly. I have not had this pair very long. unfortunatly the previus owners are going to live in south africa after accepting a job there, and didn't want to impose that much stress on the greys, so they looked for someone who the grey's would take to and i was the one the grey's picked, lucky me. regards, ste
  15. hello everyone, i'm ste and i have two greys, jess and sparky, jess is my babe but sparky is the boss:laugh: . kind regards, ste
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