Phoenix rarely offers me or anyone else the luxury of time away from the cage. You really have to work at him to get him to step up, but sometimes (every blue moon) he gets all sweet and throws that foot up when you just walk by the cage. It's usually not like this.
However regardless of his resistence to stepping off his cage, he finds himself at home anywhere else in the house. He will sit on my shoulder if I place him on my arm but he never assumes that is his spot. He will sit behind or beside you on the sofa, and usually props up on one foot and naps.
Talula ... always throwing her foot up. Always wants off the cage. Always wants on YOUR shoulder. She's never as calm as Phoenix, she's always more jittery -- even when she's at rest it seems her dreams are far more vivid. I don't know it could also be nightmares or trauma playing out. Either way, she's no where near as mellow - yet.
Now she seems to be more calm with Butch than with me, but Phoenix is the same chill type pretty much regardless of who picks him up. He's recently started gliding and lifting, so if he really doesn't want to be with you he'll flutter to the floor and waddle to his cage.
Talula sometimes diverts from the path to her cage towards his, this is an ongoing .... problem.
It's like Queen Latifa and Eminem sharing a house.