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Everything posted by ecodweeb

  1. This isn't what you're thinking. I'm not rehoming my birds. Oh, and I'm not dead ya'll.... I've just been.. crying a lot. So as you know I'm single now and I lost one of my two birds in the "divorce," but out of the ashes comes a very happy looking Talula: She's doing well, she's even letting me pet her some. In my recovery I've had those flings known as rebounds, and she was actually quite jealous of the chemistry I had with a few of them. So much so that she'd scream when one particular caller sat next to me on the sofa. She really does love me We're spending more time together but I'm not forcing it. Rarely do I pick her up off the cage, if she wants me to she'll call me over but that is quite rare. She likes her perch and her cage, and that's OK I've accepted that. I adopted, out of happenstance, a cockatiel named Luey (I know that's misspelled but that's how he came to me). He is 10 (Talula is 11), his previous owner has had him since he was 3. She has a nervous system illness that causes her to fall down and she could no longer care for the little guy. He now has Talula's old cage. He can fly and he camps out on the top perch on Talula's cage and she seems OK with this but she chases him off every now and again. So what I need talking out of is adopting ANOTHER grey or medium to large parrot. I can't bring myself to get a new baby, but I for some reason just feel the need to get another bird. I know it's because I'm in boyfriend withdrawl, and I know it's because I feel lonely. These are misguided reasons. I also think that if I get another one I'll become the crazy parrot lady and no man would come anywhere near me. Not only that but it took 6 or 7 cats to fill the void I left in my mom's nest and I hate to think I'm turning out like her. Opinions?
  2. Funny. I see he also does the smoke detector... did someone burn dinner?
  3. My thinks he is jealous of the attention you give to these new birds coming into your house, as such he is acting out to ensure you give him and only him attention. ANY Affection given/received to/from you by others in his presence will not go over well... at first. Keep him seeing you interact with others, and this won't becoming a bad problem. But it'll take time and bites to get there.
  4. Hm. I just realized that Talula is a year younger than my car. I really AM gonna be that creepy old guy with a parrot and a beetle when I'm in my 80s yelling at the kids to get off my lawn. Hey, maybe I can have HER say it instead!
  5. Talula does this. She so wants to fly, but she also is keeps pulling the feathers. It's a very sad cycle. Phoenix was just starting to fly again when he departed my life. It's very sad, working with clipped birds is like working with someone in a wheel chair to a degree. They are limited in their mobility but that can be worked around, but they are still just as witty and intelligent.
  6. I take the viewpoint of man is going to destroy them, and I'm doing my part to perserve them. One day my fids may be the ones who help revive their species. Just call me Noah.
  7. Talula has started to make specific calls for when she wants either me or Jeff. She wants Jeff's attention more often than mine. She's also trying to figure out how to get the screw top lid off the yum yums (nut) jar. She's a floor walker, and she still gets confused as to where her cage is since it got moved to the living room. She's making other bird calls and we tend to have the big sliding glass door open. Came down stairs the other day to find that like a small flock of some kind of little bird was nested out in the tree just outside my balcony calling at her, and she was responding. One even flew INTO the house and then back out!
  8. This makes me smile! I'm so happy for you Spock! Talula says "Good bird!"
  9. She's so talkative. She started saying her name in Jeff (my roommate's) voice, and he picked her up last night. He's losing his fear of parrots and she's taking a shining to him. I couldn't have asked for more! She's preening in a non destructive way, and has even opened up her wings and twirled around for aleo showers. VERY happy with her progress, perhaps this was what we both needed after all!
  10. I spoke with my ex (boy, that is harder to say than expected) and we're staying friendly. I think in a few weeks I'll be able to go and see him, and vice versa. So not all is lost, or hopeless, but it is quite different around the house. I have noticed that Talula seems to be much more talkative now, I guess since she's the only one left she feels she can sing and practice all the time. Perhaps the two together (in sight of each other in their cages) wasn't the best.. not sure. Too soon to tell. I noticed she's not pulled any red tail feathers, which gives me hope. I've not stayed in my house in about a week (since Sunday because I lost the bed among other large items). I'm determined to sleep on the floor in the living room near Talula tonight, even if I have to make a pallet on the floor! Thank you guys. I hate airing dirty laundry, but sometimes you got to let the fresh air in. And you guys and gals are the best fresh air anyone could ask for. Thanks to you all
  11. We did part on good terms, but he knew that it would have probably been better if we'd swapped kids ... I'm not convinced Phoenix won't come back to me, either. It's hard, but I look forward to showering her with attention and trying to teach her new tricks. Her being the old parrot in the house, she might be more social. Thanks for the support. She's been nicer to me than usual, perhaps it took a broken heart to get her to open up to me? She's also doing WAY better in the Beetle, she's leaning in turns and balancing herself on takeoffs... way better than she used to. She also like to swing back and forth while hanging onto the sides of her cage... she's getting stronger. I know I'm doing it right at least. She even let me hold her on her back with minimal grumbles! Harness here we come?
  12. After 5 years, I've dissolved the relationship I had with my partner. In the process, he took Phoenix. Bless his little heart, I hope that he's going to be OK being locked in his cage and ignored. So now I grieve for two. Yes, I tried. Yes, I was told take him and hide him. But in the end, I didn't want a massive property dispute. I just want to finish where I left off, and focus on rehabilitating Talula.<br><br>Post edited by: ecodweeb, at: 2010/04/05 14:25
  13. Definitely pad the area around the cage and stand. I would be petrified if my bird jumped and had any visible blood that wasn't from a broken feather. My blessings to you, you'll work through this.
  14. Oh good! I'm so happy to hear this news!
  15. Don't you love it when your mom confirms that you aren't crazy?
  16. Ask Alfie what the winnie lotto numbers will be and tell me her response. We will figure this out (or go broke trying)!!!
  17. Sticky situation. Perhaps a call to the humane society is in order? if the vet can prove that neglect has occurred, you can persuade her to give up the animal (or they'll just take it). 22 is YOUNG for an animal that lives 60 to 80 years. t's an adult, but its far from senior status. It may not see senior status if it continues to live with her.
  18. I own it. It's been very helpful with it's anecdotal tips that never could be put in the study (tofu for moodiness, etc). I think she's proven that these creatures are capable of the same level of emotional bonding and thinking as small children, and as such yes have rights that should be looked out for.
  19. ecodweeb

    Broken back?

    I'm glad that he's coming back around. You poor thing, I know this has scared the living daylights out of you.
  20. Phoenix is flying, and he busted a feather. I had to pull it and use styptic powder because it bled. Butch panicked, and I stayed calm as usual. Sometimes you gotta help mama nature out... I knew it was bad when he landed and was screaming, and came running back to me with a little broken feather hanging at his feet
  21. Note than I am unaffiliated. These guys operate in Las Vegas, Nevada and just lost an estimated 250 birds and a very faithful guard dog on Friday to a massive fire. Mostly peacosks, Cockatoos and parrots were lost. If not a moment of silence, please make a donation or volunteer in their recovery efforts. http://www.naturesanctuarygilcrease.org/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35949404/ns/technology_and_science-science/ http://www.lvrj.com/news/no-more-deaths-reported-as-injured-birds-begin-return-to-facility-88737527.html
  22. My male is nearly mute. The girl pays homage to every teenage girl by not only answering your ringing phone (or parrot), but continuing to hold your side of the conversation for you. My experience is the girls are far more likely to talk than boys. But boys are more trusting.
  23. oh no, sending prayer your way.
  24. Phoenix is a mute one most of the time. I've only heard I love you once, when he drew blood and I covered his cage. "I love you buddy" He always says buddy, no idea why.
  25. I have called VPI. I get a discount with them or something thru work, actually I think they can direct deduct the fee from my paycheck not a discount. I don't recall the quote but it was very much worth it. This was before we got the second bird.
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