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  1. Liefie

    Baby gone

    I am verry sad to report that i had to put my Baby down on the 7th of October. He was sick for 3months received abtibiotics for that period,and seemed better everytime for about a week untill its starts working out. on Thursday he seemed to become half paralised weak breathing fast, the vet told me that nothing would help anymore he has been sick for too long. So i said my goodbeys, and he is gone. Here is to my loveley baby!!!
  2. Dave


  3. dan baby is not new he/she was my first grey that i had to leave with my sister in sa when i went to nigeria but im back so he/she with me again.
  4. judy the guy to my right on this pic is my brother who gave me away there are a pic of me and hubby in album
  5. here is some pics of baby
  6. Thanks talon i hope so too!!! i will post some pics of baby.
  7. Hello everyone! Its been too long and seems like everytime i get a chance to talk to u guys i have bad news ... :dry: I am back in south Africa and was busy trying to buy cheat or steal my Liefie into the country when i got this bad news he is gone:( :( apparently he "flew away" while out of his cage and "the painters"was there , but i know that can not be true cause his wings was cut so i believe they took him.(because no-one saw him since they were there) My haert is broken i wanted him to meet baby so bad. guess the only good part of this story is that i am re-united with baby. so i lost one again this time for keeps:( Other than that im doing well . Kind regards Yvette
  8. Hi guys thanks for all the suport, u are all great!!! I am just glad that she can feel no more pain and she is in a better place right now!! and does not matter how it hurts me i did not want her to suffer anymore. so heres to mom!!!!!! Kind regards
  9. Hi guys sorry i have not been around but my mother passed away 27 October 3.15 pm:( :( :(
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