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  1. Debbieknd


    oh i hope you are not i california near the fires I feel so sorry for them all that has lost their homes. no matter how much moeym you have you can never replace everthing thank you all for your woderful comments and friendship
  2. Thanks for this..I always use towel wraps to tame the ones that come in to the shelter..but never thought about useing for anything else..thanks<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/08 14:54
  3. I do not have sleeping box for Angel either However she does have a sleep perch. All mine have one and use them. I place them high in the cages where they can sleep comfortable and away from stuff no toys near it.. I know when they are on them they want to be left alone
  4. I love mine..I have them every where.. at first they do not play or climb on them ..then one day it happenes I perfer the smal size rather than the lg ones (I have both) you can hang them in easier places
  5. yes. try guinea pig and hamster toys too..they have great hide a treat toys
  6. I have many birds that perefer one or another, but, they will sooner or later except the not so perfer person. Maybe not be has freindly like given kisses and stuff. Give it time it is not unusal at all REMEMBER..they are like children they run to the perfer parent first but, also loves the other.<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/08 14:28
  7. Her left leg goes straight outward and will not bend. I think it is call sprayled leg she was born with it her wing is somewhat not right either But, she can flap her wing and use her toes very well I have those nets every where and all the birds climb them katie23 wrote:
  8. WELCOME HOME{Feel-good-00020114}
  9. Angel used to just climb her net just around her cage but, look.... ALL THE WAY UP:lol: I was frighten she would fall but has soon has her food dish was being filled up she came down no problem. Like she was saying What Handicap Mom??..I can do anything!! Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 19:25<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 19:27
  10. Yes she was born that way..Her toes and foot works fine. Her wing is also alittle diffrent also. She is very strong with her good leg she hangs with it for a long time and it scares me. She also falls sometimes she loose her footing. She is useing the net..I am surprised. she is begining to climb on it and it is really easy for her to do. She is chewing on it. When I go open the shades she stickes her head out the net and says hello with a very deep mans voice..spookes me...:woohoo: cause I do not know anyone with a voice like that I also know when she wants a kiss or her head sctacth she has this whistle that is different.. {Feel-good-000200BB}I think she has train me well.. Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 11:20 Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 11:23<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 11:25
  11. Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 02:45<br><br>Post edited by: Debbieknd, at: 2008/11/05 02:46
  12. Thank you to the both of you That was very interesting
  13. Guess who started the fire?? It was my parrot Cricket...a server macaw She always goes uder the Tv stand and we thought to sleep BUT, she had been nawing at the cord. When I was loving on her the other day I notice a wierd looking mark on her BEEK. It is a electric burn...MY GOD SHE IS STILL ALIVE.. She has been acting normal but we are taken her to the vet this weekend. She actually been acting pissed off cause we won't let her go back under the table She is the only one that runs around on the floor .. I would have never thought she, a bird could do this. WRONG..all my floor cords are being placed safely in P.C. pipes
  14. I love the first one I just want to hug them.{Feel-good-000200BB} Thanks for sharing
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