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Everything posted by maxwell222

  1. Thank you all for your prompt replies. He is, as far i can tell, not picking at the area and it does not look sore. A photo would be hard to take as he does not like me to hold anything in my hands while i handle him aka freak out i was concerned due to the colour of the spike(it looks like a tiny snake tail), but i had a suspicion that it could be a new feather that had not yet unravelled. There are more feathers around than there usually are so your answers regarging a molt are probably correct. Thanks again for all of your advice.
  2. My 3yr old Grey has a small area on his neck where the feathers have gone very untidy. I wouldn't say it was a bald patch because there are still white downy feathers there but i can see small areas of pink skin, there is also a blackish brown spike at the centre of this patch. His mood is normal and he has let me inspect the area and doesn't seem bothered by it. Its me thats worried. Any help/advice is most appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. thanks i thought it might be that. its so cute when he dose it.
  4. Can anyone tell me wat this means. my grey will bob his head put his wings forward and whine like a dog. not quite sure wat it means thanks for any help.
  5. Thank you for reading all my posts, i will try and reply to all of your questions,iv never been able to get him to step up onto my hand when he is in his cage or on his perch, but if he is on the floor or furniture he will step up for me.When i have him on my hand all he wonts to do is go on my shoulder or my head i did not know that was the wrong thing to do untill now.He has only resently started letting my partner touch him but only when he is in his cage my parter has never handled him.when he is on my shoulder or even on his cage or perch he would let he do anything to him, tickle him kiss him play games with him, he would rub his head against my cheak even fall asleep on my shoulder.I realy wont to keep him iv always wonted a grey and for the past two years he has been fine and i thought i was doing all the right things, now i find out i was not,He is a excellent talker and picks up words realy quick its funny realy the only word that we have never been able to get him to say is mummy, He is so funny and has given us so many days of fun listening to him.I realy hope i can overcome my fear of him and try again please after reading this post anymore info would be appreciated. Hope all the info i have given you will help you determine wat iv been doing wrong and right thankyou again look forward to hearing from you again.
  6. I just dont know wat to do he seems so aggresive when i go near him, i just dont trust him anymore im thinking of finding him a new home but with someone who is very exoerianced with greys, he used to be such a loving bird, how am i supposed to handle him when he bites me everytime i go near him.
  7. Hi there well i took all of your advice i took him out of this cage this morning my partner took the dog out for a bit, max started asking me for a kiss well lets just say i ended up in hospital and needed four stitches in me lip, he bit me that hard it went right though my lip and he would not let go. Im so upset that a bird that was so loving and devoted to me could turn on me just like that. And i dont undersatand i never really took that much notice of the dog. Iv lost all my trust in him now the bit was bad just scared now wat other damage he could do to me.
  8. Thank you for all your advice i will try them all. my grey max is very stubborn bird and i would love it if i could teach him the step up as iv never been able to get him to go on my hand, he will come onto my sholder. And he is a very good talker. I just cant belive he could turn on me like that as i dont realy pay that much attention to the dog. And now he is letting my partner tickle and kiss him as befor max would not let him near him, so i guess he is trying to make me jeleous.
  9. the only thing that has changed is that we have a puppy do you think that might be it. also iv never been able to get him to come onto my hand the only time he dose is when he is on the floor then he will.and he will only sit on my head or he panics and is still very nervious, iv had him nearly two years now.
  10. Hi im a new member so dont know if iv done this right. my promlem is i have a grey his two years old now, he was very loving and would only come to me and he had never bitten me befor, but for the last few weeks he has bitten me quite a few times and its not been just a little nip, he has broken the skin and bruised me quite bad, this has realy upset me and iv lost all trust in him, and now i dont know wat to do please help many thanks.
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