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  1. Aight well Cloud has started to kinda pick on Luna a little bit so we had to get Luna a seperate cage. the are getting use to being separated and hopefully will start playing nice when they are out of there cages now. they both got there first showers yesterday, and both loved it. just set them on a little perch in the shower and let them close enough they could stick there heads over in the water...and they both started playing in it. Luna is getting to where she likes being loved on a little more and Cloud is learning to come when i call him and has gotton good about stepping up when i tell him. thanks everyone for all the advice running around in here its been loads of help so far
  2. the dogs do okay with them, but we never leave them alone together...either we are holding the birds or they are inside there cage. but dogs leave them alone most of the time. and my daughter likes to look at them and she has ventured to touch Cloud twice, once she just kinda tapped his wing which he is use to and i think is starting to like, but the other time she tryed to grab him like she does our dogs and she pecked at her...neither bird nor baby where hurt but she learned to be gentle hopefully..and they are out most of the time when she is running aroudn the house, and as long as she doesn't run up behind one and scare them they are okay but sometimes they will try and fly away from her. hope this helps
  3. Me my daughter Natalie Cloud and Luna <br><br>Post edited by: CloudandLuna, at: 2008/10/14 15:03
  4. i found the other day that if your grey gets on your shoulder and won't get off if you kneel down anyone can get them off. its a dominance thing i believe, if they can see eye to eye that makes them equal to you.
  5. i couldn't get them smaller without making them tiny but i trully did try sry bout that hehe
  6. my daughter Natalie me Cloud then Luna : 2008/10/12 18:44<br><br>Post edited by: CloudandLuna, at: 2008/10/12 18:51
  7. We bought Cloud and Luna a cage with a large glass door on the frunt of it. we figured it would help them see whats going on and it looks real nice, but now they are both tryen to fly threw it. any advise on how to get them to stop?
  8. lol actualy planning on having another child...but it is going to have to wait a while
  9. Luna is a Timneh African grey thank you i couldn't remember for the life of me. they are both about 4 months old and we are supose to get them DNA sexed early next week.
  10. hello everyone i am new to having a grey, we had a quaker but she flew away a little over a year ago. i decided to buy my wife a new bird and went out and found Cloud, a CAG. if i had gound a quaker and not Cloud i would have just bought it and took home with me, but i kinda got hooked on Cloud so i went home and did as much research as i could and then took my wife to meet cloud the next day. She fell in love. While i was at work the next day she researched to see if we could have a grey with the dogs and our 18 month old daughter. she found we could but found somewhere that greys needed to either be around atleast one other bird as much as possible to help keep them entertained. so when we went to the petstore we were getting the cage and food etc etc and found Clouds playmate Luna. Luna is a grey, but not a congo can't remember what the name is. But the wife got playing with Cloud and Luna and finally conned me into buying both of them. so now i have: 2 Greys (Cloud and Luna) 2 Dogs (Teebo a Chow, and Sky a Lab) and a 18 month old Daughter named Natalie. got everyone home last night and set up and we found out Natalie loves to look at the birds, Teebo is scared to death of them, and Cloud tryed to step off my hand onto skys nose and she didn't like that much but all and all everything turned out good. i will get some pictures of the new additions to the family soon and get them up.
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