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  1. I want to teach Tango to recognize numbers, then how to read a clock. That way I can say, "Tango, I'll be back at 5." I think it would be neat.
  2. I've read Alex & Me and LOVED it. I hear that people who enjoyed that book also typically enjoy one called The Parrot Who Owns Me. I've never read it, so I can't say for sure, but I'd love to hear others' input!
  3. Yay, congratulations!!! I feel like lighting up a little pink cigar As far as Tango's name, I think it took us around a month of having him to settle on it. Are you leaning toward human names, African names, mythical names...? If I had it to do over again and had a female baby I'd name her Heather, as in the color heather gray.
  4. I think I'm really confused. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is if people are reading sarcasm or meanness into my statement: "Feel free to delete me too, admin!" Because if so, that's not what I was going for. I was honestly asking for the post to be deleted. The only reason I think it got taken the wrong way was because Pynk was saying that she hopes I was only kidding, which makes me think she read it sarcastically, as in, "Hey Admin, why don't you just go around deleting everybody you see?" I just want people to know I'm not being a jerk... And I'm confused about what I was taking personally...? I saw exactly what was happening with this guy yesterday, same guy who posted the "Lost (Not really a lost bird)" thread. It doesn't really matter in the end... I'm just trying to avoid any bad vibes I might have accidnetally sent out.
  5. So I didn't try every day, but I have been trying off & on over the past 3 months, and Tango finally took to the pellets! I poured apple juice over them and warmed the whole concoction up in the microwave. I took his seeds out and put that in instead. Usually when I put pellets in, he just won't eat until he gets his seed or his fruits & veggies back. He made a few trips back & forth between his dish. Maybe he was just trying to hold out but it was too tempting, or maybe he was trying to let it cool down, or maybe he was trying to let it soften up more -- I'll find out his preferences over the next couple weeks. He'd duck his head in for a little taste then pull it immediately back up. Then after about 30 minutes, he dove in full-force :laugh: I checked his dish when he decided he was done and was cleaning his beak. There was a good bit missing, with lots of little broken pellet pieces, and not a single pellet in the bottom of the cage :cheer: I'm so proud of my little one -- we've come a loooong way to get here!
  6. Oh, I think my reply's getting taken the wrong way, haha! No sarcasm or ill-intent toward the admin -- I was actually asking for my post to be deleted The person who created this post was trying, over & over, unsuccesfully, to post a pic. So I posted a mini-tutorial to help them out, but by the time I hit the send button, the original post had been deleted altogether. And since we don't have the power to do that (as far as I know), I figured it was just one of the board admins doing some housecleaning. No worry, beef curry
  7. This post got deleted after I replied. Weird! Feel free to delete me too, admin!<br><br>Post edited by: EFGriffith, at: 2009/01/22 01:13
  8. Free Flight is a small-in-size bird sanctuary attached to a veterinary practice in Del Mar, Calif. They take in "unwanted" birds, breed some of the more exotic birds for conservation, board, and do shows to educate the public on birds. While I was there they were scheduling a show for a preschool. Free Flight is working on getting their Non-Profit designation, and I think they do an amazing service to the avian species. These are some pics I was able to take while I was there: Abby is a HAM! This is her during a shower she gave herself from her water dish: Oscar and I kind of had a love-hate thing going on. Sometimes he wanted to cuddle up, others he didn't want anything to do with me. Silly bird! As you can tell, I'm not quite comfortable with the larger breeds yet. Casper has to wear this collar always to keep him from plucking. Sometimes when people pay him too much attention, he'll try to pluck when they leave. Another pretty 'too. Sorry, I can't remember your name, birdie! Aaaand munchie time, yum!
  9. Linda: Sympathy, advice, I'll take whatever I can get! I just started working with Tango, and he doesn't talk yet so I can't expect him to verbally tell me when he needs to go, but he doesn't seem to give any warning at all. Other than the little butt settling, but like I said, once we're there, there's no time to stop him. It's more the frequency that baffles me... Four times in 10 minutes? Wow!
  10. Tango poops more than any other living thing I've ever met. I had him out on his towel playing with Legos and he pooped FOUR TIMES in 10 minutes. Tango likes to hang out, likes to be on my shoulder or knee, but I don't trust his pooper to keep from messing up my clothes/carpet. I'd love to take him outside with a harness or hang out on the couch with him, but he poops too much. Is there anything I can do to make him not poop all the time? He does it so quick, as soon as I see him settling his little butt in to do it, it's already too late. I always exclaim "Poop! Poop!" when he does it and put him on the same perch in his cage, but we're not making any progress so far. I know I have to be patient to see progress, but I'm curious if there's anything else I should/shouldn't be doing. I'm also curious why he poops SO MUCH. It just doesn't seem normal...
  11. Steph, there's an article here about minimum cage dimensions: http://www.greyforums.net/faqs/minimum-cage-requirements.html Also, as far as the cage goes, make sure you check Craigslist and eBay for cages. You can get brand new cages off eBay for half the price, and used cages that are still in great condition for even less. Concerning the perches, having different lengths doesn't really matter... The key is to make sure you have different circumferences. I'm happy that you're so excited! Just make sure to stay this excited during the noise, mess, dander and poop It's totally worth it.
  12. I WANT YOUR SHOWER. Hubby and I will be designing our first home and building it in about 4 years if things go as planned. I will NOT forget how beautiful yours is. Sorry I can't help with the dander issue :whistle:
  13. Awh, what a healthy baby! Congratulations on your pellet success! Wish my fussy eater would be so kind
  14. I love the stories on here! I can't wait to hear the stuff that comes out of Tango's mouth once he starts talking. Hopefully it's nothing too embarassing!
  15. hahaha, that's so cute!! :woohoo: Thanks for sharing
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