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Everything posted by BirdKeeper
Miya poop the other day was a yellowish orange I thought it was the dye from her rawhide bone,since it's orange,and was going to throw it away. But while cleaning under the cage for dropped stuff,I found a half eatem chetoe my hubby had givenher.he had asked if it was ok,being it's the first time he has shown her any attention in the week she has been homw with us,I said it was ok,but only one.I was so happy he wanted to give her somethin.. yeah he is warming up to her.:woohoo:
if you use crystal like you can string the little cups with a treat inside,using rhe lid from container on bottom since it larger. seen bits of drinking straws used I've put nuts inside a tube that holds 35ml film minus film of course.
BirdKeeper replied to Dave007's topic in Health Room
Thanks Dave, """vet said she may not been preeening correctly or enough""" I'll have to ask,maybe she was inplying that she wasn't useing it enough to keep wax from getting hard/cloged..if thats possible. When i took the note from vet,back to where I got her.they said most greys are larger and it felt a normal size to them,so we will see.The vet was more concerned that it was tender,and if my memory is correct,it wasn't waxy when she massage on the area. As for the higher white count,of course purchase place said that is normal to happen during a stressful move,that it will clear up. have you heard of a's for stressful times,should i use this??? Also was it 100% Aloe Juice you said to mist with for iching you use it straight or mix with water. -
BirdKeeper replied to Dave007's topic in Health Room
Dan, When doing my new bird exam the vet said Miya's she thought Miya's gland was inlarged (but could just be it's normal size).And that it didn't look enfected,but seemed tender,so it may be blocked.Did fecal and blood panel,white cell count was up alittle arounf 1600,all other results are fine/normal. At this time we didn't start anti-botic or check for beak & feather ( she said she only saw that about 10 times and by all APREANCES it didn't look like that could be the cause. Since we aren't sure if the high count is due to the gland and a infestion just starting.Or vice versa. The plan is to check her again in 3 weeks.If she isn't any better or counts is higher then put her one somerthing,work/fix the blockage if it is actualy blocked. What is your take on this? What do you think we should do? Miya ia about 5 mouths old,TAG,on 1 feeding a day.I've had her with me a week,had to get her out of pet store,she is seems very active,eats well as far as I can tell ( i take her tomorrow for a weigh-in)I've been misting or showering daily,to get her to preen (vet said she may not been preeening correctly or enough)Last couple of days.Ive seen downy feathers,at first thought she was plucking.Could she be molting at this age? p.s with the misting she does fine,showers SEEMS ok,doesn't try and fly off perch,but looked like she froze,then made noise at me when I took her off. If that a sigh of fear?? -
OMG...and to think I just steamed cleaned my carpets Saurday.Miya was in the other room.I never thought it could have killed her.Since I've cleaned them before when I've had the tiels.
I'll have to try this.I made a 15 bean mix this weekend.I thought it tasted horrible (but I don't like beans)...knew it was bad when hubby said yuck take that from the birds. Funny thing is Miya ate half of it,the tiels wouldn't touch it...and I have a gallon of it in the freezer.
Not sure where you live but could try put in your state/city here we also have a small weely paper called the trading post.Where people post things for sale.Thier wasn't any cages avail. when I bought mine,so I had to get new.but since I've seen some really nice ones.way cheaper then I paid for mine. Ask what happened to the bird that was in it,clean with colrox & water...leave out in sun to dry.
Haven't gotten my Grey home yet,so not sure if the following will work as well for her cage as it does for my cockatiels. But instead of Poopoff I wet a dryer sheet,and wipe the cage/grate.It softens the poop real quick,no waiting. then dry with a papertowel.
some birds gets an allery to the perservites in kaytee.Once Miya is weaned and home .I'm going to convert her to Hagens.My tiels have eaten that the last 5 years and done great. they do have it for greys also.
backpack on wheels??? are you meaning the pack a bird (bird stroller) I would love that also,but hunny is already barking about money spent and I've not even brought Miya home yet,so that will have to wait until this one needs replaceing or when I ask for it for my birthday or christmas. Then this would be used for car rides,vets,things like that.I didn't cancel my order for the hotel,for I don't want to keep Miya in the car carrier a week during vactions.or weekend trips.
Check out this's just like a car seat can see a picture of it on MSN Shopping/Overstock...I pais 40 instead of 69 PetGear Auto Carrier and Kennel
Hey Guys. Ceck out what I got today.At my local pet store.There is a picture of it umder MSN/OVERSTOCK. I got it cheaper then the price it showes.All I did was add a wacky perch,so that it would have a perch and something to chew on. Miya seemed to like it when I placed her inside to be sure she would fit, It ia call a.... PetGear Auto Carrier and Kennel what I liked most about it that the base hooks in your car like a car seat,then the carrier is removeable.small feed/water cup is included.
Thanks Dan I read that Macaw's needed the extra fat,but couldn't find one on Greys. I'm going with the lower fat,like I wanted to.It looked like it had more fruit pieces.:woohoo: It's what I'd want if I was a bird.:laugh:
ok.I'm looking at 2 types of Hagen food.I know it's not Harrison but it's the next best brand,at half the cost.It has a mix of pellets ,dried fruit/veggies and some seeds I believe. But on brand had sunflowers in for fat.I was asked if greys have a problems with fatty liver. Do grey need more fat in thier diets?? Need to know before I buy the wrong type.My tiels have done great on Hagens pellet mix diet.So I thought I'd use the same brand for MIYA.
thanks for the ups on that.did you get the costum for grey are the standard medium one
Does anyone have the bird stroller believe it was called Pac a pet...I can't find the site now. But it was a cloth travel bag that could be hooked to a stroller body,for walks. Would this be something to get that would be used or just use the harness?
thanks pals. I like liked Miya for that reson also,plus it kind of goes with my tiels named TAE & TIKA but I liked to color of the bird. :unsure: :blink:
I just learned my TAG is a female.Please help me deside on a name.It seems everytime I mark off a name I think or more.Here is a list of possible names/and meaning.I've promised myself I wouldn't add any more but chose from this list. Gabe, Misty, Leela, Jac-ee, Jadyn, Zoey, Parker Gypsy (from a Buglife) Abigal/Abby Cadaddy (from the muppetts) Miya/Mia (means beloved) Kiera/Kiara (means little black one) Kirke-pronouce Kear-Kay (means bird) :unsure:
Can you tell if your Grey is Male or Female?
BirdKeeper replied to GOOSIE's topic in The GREY Lounge
I read on a site, that the make cags head was flat and the females was more rounded. but you couldn't tell the difference that way with the TAG -
Spent time with my baby today.Feed grapes, worked on step-up.I noticed it clicked before steping up,so I would click,then say step-up,worked better for me then just saying step-up only. should i click before teaching other stuff? will put down head for straches.:woohoo: will give kisseys :kiss: but seems a little ruff at times,unless it's just me being nervouse it's going to get my lip. :pinch: :blink: how do you get them to kiss softly?? :unsure: when it would just about get my lip,I'd say be easy,got to be easy.then say kissy again,make sound,if it was easy,I'd say good kissy. what is the correct way.
I've ordered The P. avain hotel.After more reading/taking with the pet store.I've deside to take her/him with me.I'll be taking it to the vet before that,so I'll check with them just to be sure everything is a ok. went and feed my baby grapes today,he loved it.A little girl came in with mom and sister.wanted to rub,so i allowed,....but no more will that happen,,,:ohmy: the youngest one pulled her feathers..I was so upset just heart sick:sick: i'll have a phobic bird before I get it home:unsure: thanks for all the help
Although my hubby is great with the tiel.To the point one is more his bird then mine.(the ornary thing)I'm more nevous leaving it with the hubby then taking it.:unsure: He is a little scared of the larger bird,this one could tell at the store,hense why he bit my hubby.I don't under stand his fear,for when go visiting he is always going straight to the mawcaw's playing and picking them up.Maybe it's because grey have a buzzard/hawk like look. ok,grey's don't bash me,I'm not saying they are ugly,:angry: like a mawcaw lover friend said.I believe they are addorable.such pretty eyes.
My new Grey is still at the store being weaned (they call it layaway even though it's paid for) Also I wanted it to be there through the 20th of Oct since we are going on a 3 day weekend trip.And I didn't want to stress the bird or take the chance of it being stolen from the room. My question is the following weekned (Halloween) I will be traveling 4 hours to be with my grandchildren for the birthday's etc. Should I live the bird at the pet store until I return? Or would it be ok to take it with me since I'd be staying at family memeber's home? I can't leave it with the hubby for it may still be on 1 day feedings.Could possibly board it my breeder,whom I board my tiels with (tiel will be with hubby).But she would be having it a closed avairy.Then I'm concerned leaving it with out me.I don't want to scare it,make it phobic or any of that. Main question is should I take it with me? Would it harm or make it phobic traveling with it so soon??? Or leave it where it is until I return? it's about 3 months old,should be 4 month by the end of Oct. waiting to name when I know sex,sorry for calling it BIRD :blink: