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Everything posted by scottg

  1. Hi Mike I just brought home a 5 year old Congo two weeks ago. We have been taking it very slow with her as far as petting her and putting her in overstimulating situations. She has acclimated to us and our home very well. She steps up every time, lets me scratch her head, and talks quite a bit. It has been great. Good luck and take it slow. Scott
  2. Thanks to all for the nice compliments. I am a lucky guy to have such a great family. I will keep you all updated on our progress with Kiko. Scott
  3. Thanks so much. Just an update: Kiko is doing great! We took it slow and she has really warmed up to us. She is letting me scratch her head and rub her beak, which she wouldn't even let you get close to her head when we first brought her home. She is talking more. Says Hello, Yoo Hoo, Boo.... It gets better every day. I feel very lucky to have found her.
  4. Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I will keep you all posted on our progress, and will add pics soon. Thanks, Scott
  5. Thank you. Was Baxter hesitant about being touched or stroked on his wings/head when you first brought him home?
  6. Thanks to all for the kind words. Kiko does exactly what you said Baxter was doing. She talks when we are out of the room, except when the phone rings. She is still skiddish and shakes when we first approach her, however she steps up every time without any problems. I am going to try and post pics now. Thanks again. Scott
  7. Hello I did go to the Bird Mart. I'm thrilled to say that I can change the heading of this thread to "A proud member of the Grey Owners Club. We fell in love with a 5 year old female CAG named Kiko. I was planning on starting with a baby, however Kiko was so great with my kids. She was nervous, as the Bird Mart was overwhelming for her, however she was just so sweet with us. She is home and is getting acclimated to the new environment, but so far so good. We are taking it slow with her, so as not to overwhelm her. She already says hello every time the phone rings. Thanks to all for your help and support in this process!! I will get pictures on ASAP. Scott and Kiko
  8. Thank you very much for taking the time to look into this for me. I will be going tomorrow and will let you know how it looks. I'm a little wary about bringing someone home from there, but you never know. Thanks again. Scott
  9. Thanks so much for your response. DO they typically have babies at the Bird Fairs? Thanks Scott
  10. I'm going to the Arizona Aviculture Society Bird Mart tomorrow. Do you think that is a safe place to find a grey to purchase?
  11. Thanks so much. That was very helpful!! I hope to join the ranks of a Grey Owner soon, and have similar home situation. You've made me feel much more comfortable about moving forward with a new member of the family. Thanks
  12. Hello there and thanks for sharing your experiences so far. I am hoping to bring a baby grey home soon. I wanted to see if you have had any problems with your dogs interacting with your new additions. Also, are your Greys doing ok with your daughter and vice versa? Thanks so much!
  13. Thank you so much. Those examples really help. I visited a beautiful baby grey a couple days ago and really hit it off with him/her. I probably should not even look at this time because we are going out of town for a week during Thanksgiving. I don't want to bring a baby home and then board it soon thereafter. Thanks you all so much for your help! Scott
  14. Thank you all for the warm welcome and words of support in this wonderful and important process. I look forward to keeping you posted on my potential journey to "Greydome". One of my main concerns is that we have a dog (Boxer) that is gentle, however I don't know how she would react to having a Grey in the house. I would never leave my Grey unsupervised, but I worry that if the dog barks or does something that may scare the Grey, it might have lasting effects. If anyone relates to this it would be very helpful. I will search the threads as well. Thanks again to everyone! Scott
  15. Hello I am hoping to be a Grey Owner in the near future, but wanted to do it the right way. This website is fantastic, and I will be using the guidance and info from the members to make the right decision, as it is such an important one. I have a tendency to be impulsive, so I am really trying to make myself get as informed as possible before adding to my family. Thanks to all for the great information. Scott
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