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  1. Thank you very much for that link, luvsparrots. I wish someone would have asked me those questions before I adopted. I have bookmarked it and will use it as a questionaire if necessary. I hope you never have to rehome, either, Tycos_mom. It's a very sad thing. But I made a mistake and now want to do my very best to make sure that Simon gets a home where he is understood, loved, and where they can spend the time with him that he deserves. I could give him the first 2, but not the last one. :-( Mary
  2. Thanks to everyone for their insights on this. I will wait for a nice summer day when Simon can be outside in his cage before I run the cleaning cycle. Actually, he is going to visit his first owner (she loves him dearly and we still keep in touch)for the month of July. I can do it sometime then.
  3. I googled it and found the same response from others. Thanks for your thoughts on that. I will wait until summer on a nice day when I can be home for the time needed and supervise him in his cage outside. I can't imagine the fumes not being very dangerous, but I wanted to get some advice from experienced bird owners. Mary
  4. Could someone please tell me if it is safe to run the self-clean cycle on my electric oven? I am worried about the fumes for my bird...The oven is about 10 years old, if that matters. Thank you ~ Mary
  5. Update...it's the next evening and Simon is still acting perfectly normal. I think he is going to be just fine! Yay!
  6. Scary for you! I also have a diamond nose bone/pin. It is quite small, but I am very "aware" of it all the time in the sense that I am careful not to let him get close to it...not that I feel it or that it bothers me. I don't let Simon "nibble" on my face, although he would love to. Keeps him away from the earrings, nose bone, and my glasses (which I only wear before the contacts go in for the day.)
  7. Thanks for the heads-up. My hair covers my ears, and so far I've only had posts in, but I have no doubt he could pull them off if he wanted!
  8. Oh, I am so glad you hear you suggest leaving his wings intact! I think it would alter his confidence and personality...I don't really know much about birds, but it just makes sense to leave them alone. I am an equine vet tech and can tell you about horses, but birds are a new thing for me. Maybe when I get too old to wrestle with the big, headstrong horses I will want to work with birds. I tried to keep things as calm as possible his first week here and to try to simulate his previous environment as much as possible. His first mommy and I have been in touch almost every day and I send her a daily email update to let her know how Simon is doing, along with a picture or two. (I LOVE photographing him!) She only lives about 30 minutes from me and I assured her that once Simon really settles in, she could come visit him anytime. It's really the best of both worlds for everyone involved.
  9. Thanks Judy & Luvparrots, I am feeling more relaxed, but will definitely watch him closely...I know that even if he did ingest some of it, it wasn't all of it because I heard him drop a piece or two and I heard it crack several times which probably broke it up. But yes...that shirt is history. It's a tank top actually with a single row or sequins at the neckline. Now that one is missing, it's worthless anyway. Oh well...no biggie as long as he is OK. He likes buttons, too, so I am going to have to be VERY careful what I wear around him.<br><br>Post edited by: MBSolberg, at: 2008/10/06 04:58
  10. Thanks for your thoughts, Judy. I will watch him VERY closely. And may give the vet a call tomorrow anyway. I wanted to take him for a wellness check soon - just to make sure all is well. I googled this and found a posting on a UK bird site that said not to be concerned as long as the bird is acting fine. That parrots in the wild will often eat roughage such as small stones or seed shells to aid in their digestion. Don't know if that is true or not, but at least I will sleep better tonight. Mary
  11. Thank you all for such a warm welcome! Judy, you are right...I know the reason he adapted so well had everything to do with the love, patience, and understanding that he received in his first home. The only reason the girl sold him was because she is in nursing school and doesn't have the time for him. She feels guilty not giving him the attention he has always had...She had him listed 3 times on Craig's List and this last time alone, had 12 people wanting to adopt him. But she told me I was the only person she would feel right about taking him. His great personality and character is a tribute to her, for sure. He is getting LOTS of attention and love here and we bonded so fast, I can't even believe it myself...When I was typing the other day, he climbed down his cage and walked over on the floor to me to see me! How cute is that??? And he has regurgitated for me several times, but I just try to ignore it and distract him with other activities. He has his wings - always has had them intact - and can fly so he takes little spins around the sunroom. I didn't want to stress him out by clipping them right away as he has always had the freedom and ability to fly. Maybe we will do that later on, but not right away. Again, thanks for the welcome, folks! Mary
  12. I JUST joined today and already have a medical concern! Tonight, as I was holding Simon while watching TV, he reached for a small sequin that was on my shirt. I tried to stop him, but he just would not let go. He ended up getting it in his mouth and wouldn't give it up. He chewed and chewed and I assume he broke it into little pieces as I heard it crack several times. At first I tried to coax it away from him but was afraid he would panic and swallow it whole. Then I tried ignoring him and hoping he would drop it. He dropped part of a broken piece, but held onto the rest. He worked it and chewed it and I think he might have swallowed it! Now I am so worried, I can't even think straight! Why would he eat something that didn't even taste good? And what is it going to do to him??? I'm not even sure I want to hear the answer to this one...I keep hoping that it will just pass... I had a towel over me to discourage any button biting, but when we got up to put him back into the cage, it slipped and he immediately went for the sequin. Has anyone ever had their bird eat something they shouldn't??? (He is acting perfectly fine, but I am a mess!) Mary<br><br>Post edited by: MBSolberg, at: 2008/10/06 04:41
  13. BaxtersMom wrote: Thanks! Yes, Simon is my only bird, but not my first-ever bird. Years and years (not telling how many!) ago, I had an Amazon and a cockatiel. But I never took the time to really devote to learning about them and their special needs. My kids are grown now and I have the time to devote to him. Simon's birthday is Tuesday and he will be 6. We are off to an excellent start and I hope to learn all I can about Grey's. Mary
  14. Thank you for the welcome! This forum is exactly what I have been looking for...A place to come to get advice, share pics, and gain knowledge, along with (hopefully) making a few new friends!
  15. I adopted a Grey from a very loving family about 2 weeks ago. He has adapted SO well and we are already bonded. Every day, he continues to say new words and make new sound effects...he's so smart and happy! I haven't noticed any bad habits whatsoever and can't believe my luck in finding this guy. Anyway, here is my Simon. He's as beautiful inside as out.
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