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  1. Hi Lucy It seems like real estate agents get into these situations easily. I too inherited Charlie from a client who never really took care of him. It took a long time to gain his trust. When I got Charlie he had virtually no feathers at all he had pulled them all out. He is in excellent shape now, plays games with us, does not stop talking, singing and dancing and thinks that he is the owner of the house. I decided to get him a friend, so I acquired a second Grey Jimmy, while they do not share the same cage, and don't really get on very well with each other, they chat to each other all day, and learn new words from each other. Some advice, when you talk to your Grey, slightly close your eyes and make soft clucking noises, he should respond. Another game that worked was eye games, close your eyes and open them and your Grey will copy you. It takes time but you will win eventually. I also bought a very good book that helped a lot "The African Grey Parrot Handbook" by Athan and Deter. It gives lots of advice on diet, grooming, speech training, behaviour and its modification etc. Warm Regards and Good Luck let us know how it goes Charmain
  2. I've been rather busy, so only responding to your message now. I own two African Greys, Jimmy is 2 yrs, and Charlie is 5yrs. Its amazing how different their personalities are. I promise to post some pics soon, it's just been really busy lately Warm Regards Charmain
  3. I own two greys Jimmy is 2 and Charlie he is 5. They have completely different personalities. They both talk the hind leg of a donkey, and I love them both to bits. Will post photos of them just really busy with work at the moment. Warm Regards Charmain
  4. I'm very worried about Jimmy my grey, he is 3 years old and has always been a happy chattering bird. He loved playing hide and seek and catches. About a month ago I had to do some serious studying and could not give him the attention that I always had. I studied with both the greys (jimmy and charlie) in the dinning room so I was there but could not spend the time playing with them. Jimmy stopped talking and started to pick his feathers. I got worried and took him to the Avian, who was not sure what was wrong, and administered 2 antibiotics (injections) and a slow release antibiotic to put in the drinking water for 7 days. It has been a few weeks since then and Jimmy is still picking and not talking or wanting to play at all. He bites me if I try to scratch his head or play touches. He never used to bite, and he would lay on his back in my hand to have his tummy tickled. He does not seem to be ill. He is still eating but has become very jittery, easily frightened and hides in a corner behind his toys. Please help, I cannot watch while Jimmy destroys himself picking his feathers, he has several bald patches already. Charmain
  5. Hi All I'm an African Grey owner and I look forward to chatting to you all. Charmain
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