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  1. Still no news, I miss her so the house is too quite. thank you all so much for your support and prayers. Love you loads pol please come home.
  2. No news, I feel so empty without her,part of me finds it really hard to look at the forum to see all of your lovely birds it breaks my heart. I still hold some hope to see her again but it's fading as the days pass by. Will be back soon.
  3. No news, I feel so empty without her,part of me finds it really hard to look at the forum to see all of your lovely birds it breaks my heart. I still hold some hope to see her again but it's fading as the days pass by. Will be back soon.
  4. {Feel-bad-0002006A} Still no sign, She was not keen when strangers came into the room, so I can only hope that if someone has got her they will hand her back as she would be noisy and vicious towards them.
  5. {Feel-bad-0002006A} Still no sign, She was not keen when strangers came into the room, so I can only hope that if someone has got her they will hand her back as she would be noisy and vicious towards them.
  6. Thank you soooo much for all your help and advice, I will keep you posted and hopefully I will have some good news soon. A big thanks to danmcq for your advice and help, we call her all the time so lets hope she returns soon {Feel-good-00020114}
  7. I have now done everthing possible to find her. just keeping my fingers crossed we see her soon. love you Poll {Feel-bad-0002006A}
  8. Thank you everyone for your comments and help! i just can't stop thinking about where she is and if she's hert or stuck somewhere. Missing you poll!{Feel-bad-0002006A}
  9. She has had her wings clipped, which is why she hasn't attempted it before. I have 3 children so the back door is open in summer, the door is through two rooms so it's not like she is next to a door.so no i'm not stupid show some sympathy or advice or say nothing at all as i'm upset enough as it is!
  10. My lovely polly I have always had my patio door open and she has never attempted to go near it at all. But this evening she found her way to the conservatory and before i could shut the door she flew over my head and was gone. We have tried calling her and walking around the area but can't see or hear her. We have put her cage by the back door in hope she will see it as she flys by. Is there any hope that she will return or should i brace myself for the worst?
  11. That was so funny PMSL alot :lol: :lol: :lol: more please!!
  12. With reference to Polly and her scruffy feathers! Just to let you all know I have been spraying Polly with Aloe Vera for a week now and she is looking much better.It has made her feathers really soft and her skin less dry, and they are starting to grow back (hard to believe after a week but it's true) I am hoping after a month that she is back to her full feathered self Bless her. Thank you Dave007
  13. As you can see I am new, this site has been recommended to me by my friend shazbaby36 who is also a member. Polly has just turned 1 year old but it having a problem with her feathers at the mo, Dave007 has helped me thankyou Dave, I am going to give Aloe Vera juice a go, Does any know if you use it straight from the bottle or add it to water? and if so how much.
  14. Thankyou ever so much for your help, I am off down town to buy some Aloe Vera,I will let you know how Polly gets on Many thanks Diane
  15. My Polly is 1 year old and has had what I thought was a molt, it has been a few months now and as you can see by the pic her feathers are growing back round her throat but not on her tummy. My friend has suggested Aloe Vera juice but what qty to water do I mix. I can't think of anything that has upset her she is fine in her self apart from looking a tad scruffy PLEASE HELP Link to photo (tried to add photo before but had problems this should work) http://i374.photobucket.com/albums/oo183/diane7_photos/DSCF1674.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Diane7, at: 2008/09/30 01:02
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