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  1. I will try and get a video, but every-time I get the camera out she knows its time for her close up and is too busy being a little ham to remember what she was doing before......
  2. Aww there is nothing sweeter than a baby green cheek!!They are sooo cute! I just wish more people would do their research before bring home the sweet cuddly baby because in two years they turn into little devils. that being said I would not trade my little devil Raine for anything!
  3. My little baby Bella is so smart! She has been "practicing" whistling the Emperor's March for the last few days and this morning she has it down pat and has been entertaining me with it for the last hour I am amazed at how quickly she learned it, I am pretty sure she is a genius
  4. Bella is very stubborn also, if she does not want to do something, it is very hard to make her. Such as going to bed when she was not done with her cuddle!
  5. I saw that and wondered.....What a little superstar!
  6. What a smart baby! Lucky you, it does sound like he will be a good talker.
  7. I think she would have gone home with him, if she could. She kept flying off us to go to him, I was a little jealous
  8. my Bella will not bathe in a dish either, and she really does not like being sprayed, she usually flies onto me so I stop. she does keep her beak and face very clean, usually she rubs it on my hand
  9. Bella and my little brother Alex, she REALLY loves him
  10. Well my baby Bella has been home for almost two weeks! She is so sweet and settled right in. I absolutely love the baby noises. She also barks like a dog, the breeder had corgis. She is just a little love bug, I did not expect her to be so outgoing. she met my family and was very friendly, let everyone pass her around and give her kisses. What a darling! Catching a snooze on her playstand <br><br>Post edited by: bluekkiwi, at: 2009/02/20 19:53
  11. I felt bad for the breeder, she had 3 babies left and says they are hard to find homes for after they get too much older than 6 months. I hope they find good homes, I just was not sure I could handle two. Bella is such a delight though, she is not at all afraid of us. I was prepared to just let her alone for the first few days as she learned to trust me, but she just wants to be out and get attention and treats. She is not eating much, besides what i give her from my hand, but I figure she will pretty soon here.
  12. it is my pleasure to present to you Miss Bella, the newest addition to our flock. She is a darling and has us wrapped around her little talon already! We met with the breeder Saturday evening after our long drive. All of the babies were adorable, but Bella really wanted to stay on us, she was the only one who did not try to fly back to the cage. So we came back for her in the morning and the breeder offered us another bird for free, she has been having a hard time finding a home for all eight. I was really tempted to take her sister as well, but decided that since this is my first bigger bird, I decided that I was nervous enough about raising one , I probably better not try two, plus we have no room for another cage, if I decided not to house them together(I was kicking myself the whole way home, but I think I made the right choice)Anyway, she did beautifully on the trip home, she begged to come out of the cage the whole way, we let her out at every stop and she just wanted to snuggle. When we made it home she went right into her cage and explored, then ate a little and went to sleep. Post edited by: bluekkiwi, at: 2009/02/09 17:34<br><br>Post edited by: bluekkiwi, at: 2009/02/09 17:35
  13. That is so cute! You know the aflac ducks are raised here in Montana just an hour from me you could send her down and maybe I can get her an audition
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