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  1. Thanks all I kinda of figured that. Tonight was a scary night we were sitting on the back porch with our Goffin and our other Gray on top of his cage on the porch when a Hawk dove down from our sides to try for the Gray. The Goffin flew into a tree and the Gray dove straight to the ground. So for all just be careful. We never saw the hawk until it was almost to late.
  2. I have not been on here for awhile as some of you know. My Gray's name is Ollie and we were getting along great. But recently he started to bite, not just nip. He is 3 years old and we hand fed him, so he was a baby when we got him. His best friend is a Goffin and they have been together since almost birth, so That's not the problem. Sometimes he will come right out of his cage to go outside in our avairy and then sometimes he tries to take my hand off, so I leave him alone and go back later. This works some, but there has been days he has stayed in his cage with his door open. I have noticed my Goffin bitting or nipping also Any Suggestions
  3. I have not been on here for awhile as some of you know. My Gray's name is Ollie and we were getting along great. But recently he started to bite, not just nip. He is 3 years old and we hand fed him, so he was a baby when we got him. His best friend is a Goffin and they have been together since almost birth, so That's not the problem.


    Sometimes he will come right out of his cage to go outside in our avairy and then sometimes he tries to take my hand off, so I leave him alone and go back later. This works some, but there has been days he has stayed in his cage with his door open.


    I have noticed my Goffin bitting or nipping also


    Any Suggestions

  4. Thanks to all of you who answered my call for help. Ollie AKA Sharkie is doing so much better. He still has his collisions, but he is learning, he just needs some ABS wings and a slower approach. He is starting to interact more with us humans (me). Now the only problem is getting the Goffin to accept him. The Goffin will pick at his feet when he lands on top of it's cage and when both are out he constantly picks on him even when we are holding him. Any suggestions?? Don PS I will try to remember to unload some pics tomorrow
  5. Thanks Cagel08, No he is not weaned yet and he does have a very good appitite for sure. He is doing better now I do think he may have earned his wings so to speak. Will keep everyone posted. Have been off for awhile due to Ike's winds, no power for a couple of days. Will get a Pic posted soon. Sentra
  6. He does have some perches but seems to fly eleswhere. He really does not seem to care about the Goffin yet. We have some table perches and a large perch on top of his cage also. My wife has purchased some foot toys also. I have the material to build a larger stand with, just have to find the time to do it:lol: Don
  7. Thanks Nims, Sharkie will sit for sometime on his perch and then fly away to by himself. Of course it's always on the clock, the intake for the AC and other hard to reach places. Any suggestions for toys or something to keep him busy on the ground. Also my Goffin likes to sneak up on him and pull his tail feathers also which really does not help. Thanks
  8. We just brought home our new baby Sharkie. He is about 10 weeks old and a male. We have a Goffin and he is a year old. This is the first we gray we have had, any suggestions will be helpful with our baby. I know he is young but has not really started to get interested in anything except telling us when he is hungry. He will change as time goes on we know. He is full flight and has had a few collisions :ohmy: . He sits for hours it seems uninterested, but when out of the cage he will sit on his perch and very seldom move. What can we do at this young age to help him adjust??
  9. We just brought home our new baby yesterday. We already have a Goffin that is a little over a year old. How should we approach this with a new bird in the home. The Goffin is bascially my wife's I'd like to have this gray at least come to me and those type things. We have not named him yet either. He is a male and we had put blue water based marker on his head to ID him. Any Suggestions
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