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  1. Can you use baby wipes on the bars for an occasional touch up cleaning? They get so dusty.
  2. I got my first African Grey (Congo)! Her name is Gracie and she is 3 years old and a real talker. So beautiful, and soooo funny!!! She is really bringing alot of fun & joy to our home. Pictures coming soon.
  3. I still love my little bird. She's a sweetie and I know it's all going to take some time to adjust, for both of us. Thanks for all the info and support from this group.
  4. Got her beak, feet, & wings trimmed today - she (the vet THINKS it may be a girl) has been out walking around, steps up on my arm - seems to know the step up command, etc. Need to keep the bird outstretched on the end of my arm though, I am not real comfortable with it by my face. It really likes being out of the cage
  5. I agree, I need to not be scared. But as for what I did different than the days before, I have no idea. He had let me pet him a lot...I'm not even sure I had touched him much yet when he attacked. It's hard not to be scared now though, his beak is so long, thin and sharp...it's like a razor blade sliced me on both sides of my finger. And I don't even think he bit as hard as he could have. Today he gets his wings clipped, then we will be able to get him out of the cage and see how he does. Maybe he did just decide to guard his territory that time.:huh:
  6. My new pet bird had been doing great, letting me pet him through the bars, eating out of my hand, etc but yesterday he seemed really moody for some reason and bit me first thing in the morning. I am getting him clipped tomorrow, and hope to start letting him out of the cage but now he has made be a bit nervous after the big cut he made on both sides of my finger!:ohmy: Any suggestions?
  7. Thanks for all the warm welcomes and encouragement. I am loving my new friend Taco, and he is already bonding with me, even though I haven't let him out of his cage yet. I will as soon as I can get him clipped. (The previous owner says he did not like ladies, so I feel very lucky!) He lets me pet and scratch his head and neck very frequently, eats out of my hand, lets me exchange his food and water bowl in the cage, and says Hello and lots of cute noises for me. However, I can already tell this is a one person bird...he is not being so nice to the rest of my family.:huh: Anything they can do besides keep talking nicely to him and giving him food? Any idea how much of his feathers he will lose while he is molting? I want to keep an eye on him, and make sure it is not also plucking issues. So far just a few feathers here and there.
  8. Thanks for the advice! I found myself at the pet store tonight buying healthy treats and some toys. Lots of fun, but pretty pricy. Met a local Bird Lady who talked to us 30 min or so telling us all sorts of things. She even offered to make us some free toys, she does all the time for her own. Will try to go very sparingly on the peanuts...although it is pretty funny how MUCH he loves them! I also bought the Parrot Book for Dummies...so I have lots of heavy reading to do... LoL:whistle:
  9. His previous owner said he didn't like many fruits & veggies...but already I can see he likes Apples, Bananas, and Grapes He has let me change his paper, food and water with no agression....'so far':side:
  10. Thanks for the kind words everyone. I so badly want to take my bird out of the cage and pet it! It lets me pet through the bars, but I don't want to do that until I get it's wings clipped, and it a bit more used to me and our home. If I buy it the tree looking play stand, will it spend most of the time on it, or more try and wander around the house? Also, how many peanuts can it have a day, because Taco REALLY loves them, and I don't want to over do it.
  11. I'll get pics soon hopefully I can see I am going to need a new camera.
  12. Thanks everyone! My digital camera was broken this week:ohmy: but I will get pics to you soon as I can. Have to use an old fashioned camera for now...He is beautiful and at least IN the cage, he seems to be warming up to me. Walks toward me, lets me pet his head, eats out of my hand, but I need to get his winds clipped or it will fly. I just got it from a local person from an ad. I don't know much about it really. Says a few words and REALLY loves peanuts! The owner said it prefers males, but we shall see...
  13. I got my first bird today...an A Yellow Crowned Amazon! His name is Taco and he is sooooo beautiful and already talking and eating. I can't wait to get to know him more so I can handle him. Wish me luck! This is my first step toward my dream pet...an African Grey of course!:silly:
  14. They really are just like kids! LoL Thanks for the tips!
  15. Also, I understand that aeresols like hair spray can be deadly to the bird. Does that mean, not to use them in the same room, or not in the house at all? What types of cleaners are okay to use on the birds cage and or floor around where the bird stays? Can I ever bug bomb my house again? (obviously not with the bird inside) So much to learn fast...:unsure:
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