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  1. Again, Thanks! I have given the oatmeal and Jojo is interested, perhaps not too keen - but maybe with a different babyfood flavor/veggie he will gobble it up! Thanks for the insight about the training and nursery rooms...I would love to encourage his trust in me and see where it goes! Someone did say to me yesterday that since Jojo likes to kick/scratch at the floor - that 'he' may be a 'she'. I am actually really hesitant to find out because I don't want how I treat Jojo to change. Any thoughts on that too? Take care! Off to clean the cage! Lisa
  2. Thank you! You are always so helpful! I just have seen raw oatmeal in some mixes so wasn't sure the way to go. Does that mean it's better to use the instant (Quick) oats versus the old-fashioned? I suppose it's the quick if you mentioned microwavable. I have been able to get Jojo to relax on his back without his needing to hold onto to me with his feet - and I am hoping that shows a lot of trust in me. I really need to find out what else I should be teaching/training him at this age. I am afraid of being 6 months down the road and say - 'argh I should have done this!'. Thanks so much again!
  3. Hi everybody, I can sit here for hours and have many times. One question to avoid that today if you don't mind...! I have seen posts/replies about oatmeal and mixing it with various things (I remember baby food). But what I don't remember is do you cook the oatmeal or leave it raw when mixing it in? Can someone give me a quick recipe (with instructions!) so that Jojo can have more variety? He is already weening himself off his 'formula' and eating sunflower seeds (sparingly). I give him a mix of pellets and frozen but then steamed veggies...but I want to give him other stuff too... please help! Thanks so much everybody! Lisa
  4. Hi Ben, you and I are in the same boat or Aviary (ha ha). I have a very young TAG named Jojo and will probably be learning right along with you. Anything you learn, or find amusing please share! Lisa and my TAG Jojo
  5. Thanks for the link! Just read it and can't wait to try it all and do everything properly! Lisa
  6. Thanks everybody for your advice, I will take you all up on it! Including adding stuff about Jojo and I in the welcome room. I am on a different timetable (I live in South Africa for the moment as of two months ago!), so I will be posting and then waiting until tomorrow to see/hear from you! Any particular tidbits (although I will check out the website that lovemyGreys provided) to give him/her - have to go to the vet for that! I have seen cheese, corn on the cob, .... but do your greys have favorites? And if I give carrot should it be raw or cooked? Thanks to all - I will definitely add more about the two of us later. I have a million appointments today and also have to fight time on the computer with my kids and we don't have all our stuff and are sharing one laptop! Cheers, Lisa
  7. Hi, I was hoping for a little info. I have a 7 week old Timneh and have been hand/syringe feeding it special food. Do I need to introduce anything else soon, or wait until it's weened at approx 14 weeks? Should I introduce bathing by misting or any other way anytime soon? How about ANY advice? Thanks much! Lisa
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