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Everything posted by streetrida25

  1. Well that's my thing. When she is on her cage that is all she is interested in. She is still skeptical about taking food from my hands so she is only really interested in eating from her dish. I keep trying every day though. I guess thats all I can do.
  2. Well this is me This is Cherry, out in the car, bad me...:unsure: Cool pic of Sally the Dragon And this is the little AmStaff I'm in the process of adopting, Phaedra Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2009/02/24 06:17<br><br>Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2009/02/24 06:18
  3. When I got Cherry home she was on a mostly seed diet. All I did was stand in front of her and let her see that I was eating them, well pretending, and acting like they were the greatest thing I have ever eaten. I suppose I was lucky because she tried them out right away. I give her Harrisons also.
  4. Hellooo. I haven't posted in a while but I'm planning on getting a little more active around her . Anyways... Cherry is doing very well, better than me at the moment as I broke my leg in mid January. (oh a little background on her, she was hatched in July last year and I got her in Nov.)I had planned on moving to a bigger place but that stopped me dead in my tracks, literally :laugh: So, my issue.. My place is small, not terribly small, but small enough where there isnt really a spot I can bring her so that she won't be able to see her cage. It's my understanding that training should be done so she can't see it? That correct? Well she steps up fine, hangs out with me for a few mins but always wants back to her cage, and more than half the time sits on the far corner away from me. Here and there she will eat from my hand but more often than not wants it in her dish. Is there something I can do to keep her attention on me and not the cage, I suppose I could roll it into my bedroom? But even if I do that she won't eat from my hand especially off of her cage, so I am unable to reward her for doing something good. I understand calm persistence is the key, so should I just keep trying to feed her while she is on her cage and gradually move from that?
  5. I've been rearranging and had to move sallys cage. So I pet her on top of cherrys cage and she started crawling all around. :laugh: It's going to be a zoo around here.
  6. :laugh: I got an email last night with the flight information!! Picking her up in Providence Tuesday at noon.:silly: on the leftB) <br><br>Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2008/11/09 14:53
  7. I have to show you this pic after you said that caroline. Enjoy
  8. Ya i've read probably every thread I could find. I will be picking her up tuesday at noon. Just trying to get everything in place for when she gets here. She is on the left <br><br>Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2008/11/07 00:04
  9. So I have read alot on here. There were a few threads talking about how you should introduce new toys slowly. Play with them yourself first in front of your grey... i'm sure you've read them haha. My question is when I first get her home, should I let her explore here new cage with the toys i've gotten her, maybe just a couple, none at all? Introduce them slowly?
  10. Thanks everyone, i'm very excited. :silly: I was watching Dogtown, The Michael Vick Dogs, and there was the sweetest little pitbull named cherry. I fell in love with the name and when I saw the little girl online and that name just stuck in my head when I saw her. I picked up some Harrisons today, a few foot toys and some foraging toys to add to her collection. I still have 6 days til she gets here. :laugh: she is on the left<br><br>Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2008/11/06 03:02
  11. I've been lingering around for quite sometime now. Posted a few questions a while ago. But in my hiatus I have purchased a beautiful little girl I named cherry:woohoo: I will be picking her up next tuesday at noon. I ended up going with parrot kingdom, they were a pleasure to deal with. She is about 4 months old. Here is a few picks I was sent. Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2008/11/05 01:20 <br><br>Post edited by: streetrida25, at: 2008/11/05 01:21
  12. Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes this is going to be my first parrot. Very excited. I have been reading alot. I was wondering, is there that much of a behavioral difference between males and females? I've read that males can be a bit more aggressive and females more shy than males.
  13. Well I emailed parrot kingdom. I will most likely be buying from them within the next month or so.
  14. I was satisfied with the information the provided on their site. My only issue is purchasing a bird from so far away. I wouldn't be able to see him/her first, get to know them or their personality before bringing them home.
  15. Has anyone ever dealt with parrotkingdom.net ? I don't have a wide selection of breeders to choose from in my area. Massachusetts.
  16. Good morning all. I've been doing my research and reading up for about a year now and am looking to purchase my first grey. Talk to you soon.
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