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Everything posted by Rue

  1. Rue


    Our CAG obviously prefers my husband. And he's nice to her, but he doesn't want a bird. If my husband is in the room with me, I'm persona non grata. But if he's not around, our CAG is fine with me. Since he's gone for work so often, she really doesn't have much choice, since the kids are scared of her (she bites them - one of the issues we're working on). My point is, even if you're not her favourite, you can still have a happy relationship with her.
  2. Congrats on getting Brodie! As the others have said, 2 weeks isn't really very long. Parrots can take eons to settle in to a new home. I've had Nickel since February and she's still settling in.
  3. Thanks! Pekoe (the white-cap) we got as a just-weaned baby. He's a real character. He'll fly behind me through the house :blink: . LOL...not quite the same as being followed by the dog, but similar.
  4. Thanks! I think she just feels secure here. She had a change of homes before we got her, and the 2nd household that took her in kept her by herself in the laundry room... Here she's in a busy household of birds, dogs, cats, kids - so lots for her to watch and take part in. :laugh: She has a couple of issues we still need to work with...but all told she's doing well... ...and thanks for mentioning the mess...
  5. Found it! And a head shot:
  6. Sorry...the 3rd photo was too large...give me a moment (or two, I'm on dial-up here at home)...
  7. I have a quiet moment...so I thought I'd post a couple of pictures... This is a group shot of my 3 larger parrots... Nickel is the grey, she's the 4 year old rehome who came to us plucked. I don't have a DNA certificate, but when we got her, she was housed next to an adult male, and she's much smaller and daintier... Ever is the 13+ year old Green-cheeked Amazon. We know she's a girl, she was surgically sexed at some point in time. Pekoe is the 3 year old White-capped Pionus. Again, I don't know for certain that he's a male. But given his personality - he sure acts like a male. So unless he lays an egg and proves us wrong...we'll just keep calling him a a him! And please, excuse the mess...:whistle: This is Nickel, as she came to us: And this is Nickel now!
  8. Thanks for the warm replies everyone!
  9. CAGs seem to average $1800 in Canada (for a weaned baby). I got my plucked 4 year old CAG, and her cage, for $1200.
  10. Birds seem to choose a favourite person, and there's not much you can do about it. Our newest bird, a CAG, prefers my husband over me. If he's in the room with us, I'm persona non grata. However, he's not home much (away on business) so then my CAG has no choice but to hang around with me. She's very good with me for the most part, but I'm so obviously not her favourite. She dislikes 2 of our 3 children. :blink:
  11. Congrats on getting your first bird! As the others have mentioned, greys can startle and be unpredictable (as can most parrots) and can give a hard bite. I wouldn't let the parrot sit on the toddler. You can foster a good relationship by having your toddler give the bird treats while it's sitting on a stand or other suitable perch. Birds are social animals. In the wild parrots live in large flocks. They eat together. In captivity, most parrots do not want to be in their cages by themselves, unless it's bed time. They will also appreciate eating when you eat, since you are now their flock! Good luck with your new critter!
  12. Thanks! LOL...I just fixed my typo...she's a Congo, not a Timneh...what was I thinking? :blink: I'll post some pics soon... Yes, the birds keep us busy, and endlessly amused!
  13. Hi Guys! I've been lurking a bit - but thought it was time to say hello. I've had birds since I was young, in fact I still have one of them - a male cockatiel born around 1984! So he's at least 24 years old now. He was about 1.5 years when we got him. We have two female 'tiels as well, and my daughter has 2 budgies and 7 male finches. I also have a GC Amazon who's approx. 13 years old, a WC Pionus who's 3.5 years old and our latest addition is a CAG who's 4 years old. We've only had the TAG since February. She had plucked herself in her previous home, but is letting her feathers grow in now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed she leaves them alone! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!<br><br>Post edited by: Rue, at: 2008/10/07 01:18
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