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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. I have had Shelly now for about 5 months now. Ive had a wellness check up for here about two months ago. She is perfectly healthy also. Shelly is very loving of people that take it slow with her because she is scared of course. And if she could she would never leave my side she hates it when i go somewhere with out her. She is 3 and a half years old.And thank you for suggesting bird tube.com i will have to check that out. And she is on a very good diet she eats all kinds of fruits and vegetables and she also eats pellets with some oats.
  2. Thank you for the information everyone. and to answer the reason for her not doing some of these things naturally is because her last owner kept her in the basement by her self so she did not have any interaction with people that often so all she could do is sit there and try to preen or nothing at all. And for the preening she can preen but not properly she preens to hard and by her watching a video of another African Grey preening she can see how to preen properly. So if anyone can please send me a video of there African Grey preening that would be very helpful. and i have let her see how much fun bathing can be i let her sit on a perch out side of the shower and watch me and i even bought a large bathing dish for her to do it her self but she is terrified of water except for what is in her drinking water dish. and in the wild parrots watch for another parrot to go first to see if its safe so if i have a video of a parrot bathing she will see it is safe for her to do it as well. also i would just use the ones from you tube but i don't have the internet at home I'm using it at school so i would have to take the video home to show her.
  3. Hi my name is Dustin and I am trying to get some video of African Greys doing things like preening and playing and just about anything else that is normal behavior for them. The reason I am doing this is because I have recently adopted a African Grey from a home that did not take care of her very well. And she did not grow up around other parrots so she does not know how to do things like preen bathe or even play she is terrified of everything except me. So i am hoping that in watching video of other african Greys she will learn how to do things. Because in my experience parrots learn a lot from watching other parrots from there flock. So if you have a video camera and some spare time please video you parrot doing things like playing, preening, bathing, interacting with people or other parrots, and eating things like fruit, vegetables, and anything else you can think of. Any type of video format would be great but preferably uncompressed video like .avi and if you can sen me the raw footage from the camera that would be great to. I can convert videos to different compressions my self. Thank you for your time. Post edited by: Dustin, at: 2008/09/03 21:34 [file] Post edited by: Dustin, at: 2008/09/03 21:36<br><br>Post edited by: Dustin, at: 2008/09/03 21:50
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