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  1. she has stopped plucking!!! At a local parrot supply shop the owner reccommend Grannick's Bitter Apple spray for birds with plucking issues. I have just about tried everything under the sun to get her to stop, but this was the only thing that worked. She HATES having it sprayed on her, but it has kept her from plucking her chest feathers out and she now has a lovely full chest of feathers!!! give it a try
  2. I have an 8 year old Congo ... she just makes sounds... her previous owner had a Macaw that talked his head off...the congo imitates cell phone ringing, answering machine, smoke alarm dead battery beep,microwave!, water drop... but no talking. I taught her to whistle Andy griffith (she does part of it lol) and the Blue-skiddo song from blues clues) so she can learn... shes only been with us since June, and she just recently got groomed and ignored me for two weeks after that. Shes back to whistling away. I hope someday she will talk. Only time can tell with yours and mine!:whistle:
  3. Thank you to everyone! What a lovely welcome! Sonya is wonderful..I am not sure how old she is, I know her former owners had them for a while before I met them and that was about 10 years ago! I will make sure to ask them. "lovemygreys" in ypur icon there is a blue and gold macaw there too, how ironic, we also took in a blue and gold macaw "Oscar" one of my borders adopted him, she is spoiling him rotten. that poor thing plucked every feather out of his chest before he came to us. And he is very difficult, but she won him over Sonya surprises me every day.. today we were all sitting on the deck talking and laughing and she let out a loud human laugh! And the other day she kissed me on the lips and made the kiss sound!! (how do they do that with no lips??) LOL
  4. Hello there! My name is Renee and I am a new "Mom" to Sonya, a beautiful female African Grey. I took her in "temporarily" for a family who lost their home, but we fell in love with her and adopted her. When she came to us she was neglected, malnourished and picked her front feathers out. She is happy and spoiled rotten now and has lots of fuzzy feathers coming in. She chatters away cheerfully all day, she sits on top of her cage unless I go out or go to bed, I have been teaching her to whistle "The andy griffith show themesong" lol.. which she almost got it now and its only been two weeks of training. She is such a joy in my life! what a love bug! I am here to meet others that have a grey and to learn everythig I can about how to keep her healthy and happy!
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