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Everything posted by pugnacious

  1. You guys are awesome. I think that we should just do an unofficial first episode just to get everyone on the same page and get all the meet and greet out of the way. I'm available from 5pm to 12am daily. I am on call every 5th week but that's not a problem either as I don't really plan to be doing much talking just editing. Maybe some one else record it and just send me the file and I can edit it down. I wanna be on there for the first episode so I can kinda direct you guys and get everything that we need. Just send me a PM if you want to be on it regularly and I'll come up with some type of script and we can go from there and get every one's input.
  2. Talon wrote: That's basically it. We could do it bi-weekly probably on a Sunday night as that is when most people are off. We could read topics from this forum. Just something's that caught your eye or something that a lot of people have questions about. Like I said, have some well respected avian vets or rescue groups call in. Talk and little laugh a little. And just spread the love. Even if the admin doesn't get on board we can still have some of our senior members chat it up a bit.<br><br>Post edited by: pugnacious, at: 2008/09/01 06:04
  3. I think that it could be cool. What would reall y be sweet is if we could have some well respected vets or breeders call in. Even some rescue shelters. I would definitely get on board for that. Like I said in my intro I do production. I can mix and master everything down and make it sound as professional as possible.<br><br>Post edited by: pugnacious, at: 2008/08/31 19:30
  4. Have any of the moderators or admin ever thought about starting a podcast? All you'd really need are mics and skype. I would be willing to edit it down. I would love to help get some of this info out to a broader audience.
  5. lovemyGreys wrote: If that's the case, he's done for. He'll be mimicking my 10 month old daughter in NO time. She loves talking to him, from a distance of course, and he seems to relish in every babble that spills out of her mouth.
  6. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem like that was the only thing that I was interested in. He's an awesome bird already. I even think he has a sense of humor. He does this LOUD sonar ping sounding noise if you stand close to his cage. The first day that I had him home he did it to me while my back was turned. Scared the bajeezus outta me!
  7. I just brought home my first TAG about three days ago. Got him from and super busy couple that wanted to adopt him out because the really didn't have the time for him. He is a little shy and I really want to help him get over this. He comes out of his cage no problem but he doesn't like to hang outside of it. When I leave him up top and leave it open he waits awhile and then quickly retreats back to the interior of his cage. Should I be handling him right now, with him just settling in or should I kinda hang back and let him get used to our noise before I start handling him? Thanx guys. Any help helps!
  8. I adopted a four and a half year old TAG about three days ago. He's previous owners of two years said that he has never talked for them. It took he almost a year to start whistling. My question is this. is it too late too try to get him talking? I have read that the start talking at about 9-12 months. If you don't start then they may never. It seems to me that these animals are way too smart to just never pick up on something. He gives kisses and he steps up perfectly. So he surely can pick up talking, Right?
  9. siobha9 wrote: He's in pretty good. My house has a little more noise than what he is used to. The most he had to deal with before was a 7 yr old and a dog. Me on the other hand, I have 3 dogs a 10 month old and a, dun, dun, donnnn... wife. So yeahs he's a little nervous but he seems to be doing well all things considered.
  10. Well, heck... here goes... I'm an Animal Control Officer out here in Panhandle Florida. I've been doing that for about 2 and a half years. I love but as you can very well imagine it gets a little saddening at times. I am also an extremely devote husband and an awesome father to 11 of the greatest "children" in the world. I have a 5 year old son named Dakari and a soon to be 11 month old little girl named Amya (Uh-Mya). I have 3 American Pit Bull Terriers (gotta say it right), Blue, Roxie, and Spartan. (gotta say it right). They all came to me via the shelter that I work at. I have 3 ball pythons, Kain, Coco, and Assassin. Two lovebirds, Ricky and Lucy. and finally Smoke. Just a little about myself and what I do. I'm also a Club DJ whenever I get the chance to fill in for my buddy. I also do a little bit of music production for my friends. Mostly hip hop and r&b. But I LOVE and embrace all genres of music. Just a little bit about me and what I do.
  11. WOW! :woohoo: You guys give such a WARM welcome. I joined a ball python forum awhile back and it was nothing like this. SWEET! I think I'm going to like it here.
  12. Judy, pretty sweet that you asked these things. Kinda hoping to get a little help with some of these questions. as you can see he's not a baby. According to the kid that I adopted him from he's 4 and a half. To be quite honest with you I can't tell if he's a TAG or a CAG. The kid didn't know. Althoug I am leaning more towards CAG. I think something that I read on the internet is impairing my judgment. I have some other questions but I will direct them to the appropriate threads. Thanx and I'm quite sure you guys will be hearing a lot more from me.
  13. Hello to all:laugh: . I just wanted to introduce myself and my new boy, (just brought him home today) Smoke. Pics soon.
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