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Everything posted by Jadewolf32

  1. She is located in Pennrose Colorado, she breeds Timnehs, Green Cheeks, Green Quakers~ She force weans them way to soon, Shadow was barely 3 months old and claimed he was weaned~ NO HE WASN'T birds are kept in rusted black dog kennels in a dirty unkept trailer. Shadow had a crop infection and a build up of negative bacteria the day I purchased him, vet visit the next day proves this. She places adds on Denver and Colorado Springs Craig's list and Kijji, that is where I found Shadow. I will post her information when I get it, researching today.... DO NOT PURCHASE A BIRD FROM THIS LADY~~~ My baby grey died of metal toxcity... She is a breeder/rescue of Great Danes Her name is Terry I can not find anything linking her to birds now, makes me wonder, but here is her phone number everything is now for the Great danes she breeds and sells..719-372-6315 her web site is penrosekennel.homestead.com and e mail is penkenav@ris.net<br><br>Post edited by: Jadewolf32, at: 2009/01/05 18:03
  2. First of all I want to thank everyone for their kind words, after a few days of crying, beating up and blaming myself I took a few days to get some much needed sleep, then I cleaned Shadow's cage, toys, playstands and rearranged everything, I had to take the playgym, hanging station down from the dinning room because I kept seeing him there hanging upside down and playing always around 7pm when I feed my dogs. Anyways I am now past crying and fully pist off and out for blood, I am getting all the vet records together along with a statement from my vet, I also didnt relize it until today, this forum will also serve as a time line of sorts, I have posted and asked advice about the increasing issues I had with Shadow, the screaming, eating issues, feather plucking and so on, to the point that I was thinking about re homing him that is how bad it got, this forum along with the vet visits and notes I have proof that this was a issue from the first day I purchased him, thank GOD i took him to the vet the very next day because that was the first time he was on medication right off the bat, so it was not my fault. The posts I have made on here also go with most of my vet visits which have the same complaints. Now today I am making all kinds of phone calls and Wendsday morning I am taking a drive to get the exact address, its about a 3 hour drive one way but that's ok maybe I will see her ass out side and at this point I have such rage built up who knows what could happen, but I know it will not be nice. I am going to post another message with her information so people on here can be warned and pass along the information, she breeds, Timnehs, Green Cheeks, and Green Quakers and I have the photo from her post showing the birds are all in DOG KENNELS, you see the food bowls and toys, that shows she housed them in all the time, all her birds~ She is also a breeder/rescue for Great Danes, now they looked well taken care of, they had indoor/outdoor runs with enclosures and she had over 30 dogs, they looked nice but her trailer and where the birds was you could see the build up of junk through the windows and she said there was a leak that is why I could not go in, talked to a lady that did go in there and she said it was NASTY and they lived in there with the birds, so that is another form of proof. I will keep you all updated, I alreday have it worked out if I need to be bailed out if I get in trouble for assult. Now Im reday, she is going down, I will save those other birds and other people frm feeling the pain I feel.
  3. Well with a heavy heart I wanted to let everyone know that Shadow past away a few nights ago at home in my arms. Now everything that I was going through with Shadow make sense, when I very first got him the breeder's place was so messy they would not let me come in they brought the babies out in a metal dog kennel, what I didn't RELIZE is that was the birds HOME, no cage but a rusted missing paint dog kennel. As I mentioned when I got him he was sick with a crop infection, treated got better. Then came the one day when he had blood in his stool, vet checked him everything was ok it past, then came the feather picking and screaming and not wanting to eat fresh foods and losing weight, back to get checked AGAIN normal blood counts, started back on hand feeding to up his weight, still screaming on and off, feather picking getting worse, not touching his bird foods at all and refusing to be hand fed, started getting nippy which he never was before, called vet AGAIN because the white part of his stool was 80% more then he usally had, then noticed a pink tint to it, went back to vet and we went over EVERYTHING he asked so many questions and we never thought about metal toxicity because I buy nothing but stainless steel hardwear, nuts, bolts,chains,toy parts even got replaced by me with stainless steel if I was not 100% sure it was bird safe, used bottled water, I made sure that metals would never be a issue or concern, well I never thought he would come to me ALREADY infected, so after looking back everything makes sense and adds up but to late he would only be turning 8 months this 11th and his life was cut short, in the end he didn't know who I was, he screamed and growled, would run away from me and try to hide, his face was red he would bite down on me and not let go, he was so skinny and looked so bad, I wanted one last night before he was to be put down but he died at home. I am SO pist off at the breeder and myself, the vet Dr LaBonde a very well known bird Dr was even baffled, he felt so bad that he didn't catch this but everything happened in stages spread out and Shadow was young and I was so careful with hardwear that metal poisoning was not considered, looking back now, crop infection,screaming,feather picking,weight lose,not eating, blood in stool one day,werid smell from crop one day, large urates,pink tinted urates,mood swings, and fianly death~ the blood levels was off the charts,it had absorbed into all his tissues, bone marrow, and organs, he had rusted pieces of what we now know was from the DOG KENNEL that the breeder kept him in, it was in his crop and intestines and we also think that the parents may also be infected because Shadow was born with a defected toe, so he had no chance even if we would have caught it early on he was to far gone. I feel bad because I thought it was me and I never thought about metal poisoning NOT my birds, I spent tons on making sure they could NEVER suffer that fate~~ I am heart broken, I am planning on taking the 3 hour drive back to the breeder to beat her ass, IM MAD, she has pulled all her adds a few months back and changed her number, she also bred Quakers, and Green Cheeks along with Timnehs so now I am wondering if others have had this same fate..I want to take all my pain and frustrations out on her, I can never replace Shadow and I know she would never refund the money I spent on him and that is NOT including the cage, toys, food, hardwear,and most of all the vet bills totaling close to 3800.00 I tried so hard to be a good Mom to him and now he is gone, I over heard my husband talking to my daughter wishing he could find me another baby but thanks to this BITCH of a so called breeder we are broke, I spent everything trying to figure out what was wrong with Shadow and I let him die a slow horriable death instead. I feel like I killed my bird i hope he forgives me, I know I am rambling but I have not slept in 3 days now. Im lonely Im empty, I still see him playing on his gym, he was still a baby WHY DIDN'T I SEE THIS? You have no idea what I want to do to this breeder, I want her to feel the pain I am feeling, its not fair I tried EVERYTHING PLEASE FORGIVE ME IM SO SORRY..I got to go I cant stop crying I cant stop thinking I cant stop hating the breeder and myself..Thank you all for your advice and please if your baby is not acting right and every normal testing shows nothing TEST FOR HEAVY METALS.
  4. Thank you for all that has posted and asked how I have been doing..Well I had it out with Eddie and taking care of his OWN bird, he wants to claim that Doobie is his and he said he would take care of him so I have stopped doing anything for him, he has forgotten to feed him a few times (and yes I went and gave him his pellets but before Eddie came home I would remove them and make him feel like a piece of dirt for letting his bird "starve" all day) So he is getting better at it. I have a bird room where all the birds are, Shadow was the only one that was in the dinning room which he loved that, but the screaming, and pulling and tipping his feathers, snapping the cage bars, not wanting to eat finally took a toll on me, so I moved his cage back there as well and put the play gyms in the dinning room instead, he used to be back there when I first got him so its not like it was a total shock, but I must say I am feeling a bit better now, I can close the door when I get sick of hearing him scream and I am not stressing watching every move he makes and having to redirect his attention every 2 seconds when he starts pulling his feathers, now is he happy~~~ HELL NO, he screams worse and when I let him out of the cage he goes right to the floor and runs to the dinning room where he cage was, he has picked up this annoying clicking sound and does that NON stop, yes he is pulling his feathers and every time I walk by he snaps the bars and now the powered coat is wearing off, he still was not wanting to eat anything so he is now 7 months old and I am back to hand feeding him so he at least gets something, he is stuborn as hell and knows what makes me stressed, he hates it in the bird room but he has everyone else there as well and I bring him to the play area in the dinning room every morning, his time out has been reduced for the fact he will no longer stay on his cage to play, he is dead set on the dinning room and not to play, he has controled my life and I am still saying that I do not think I am fit to own a Grey, all my other birds are great, eat well, dont scream, stay on the cage or play gym and happy in or out of the cage. Shadow seems to know what got me upset, he stopped eating, if it was something new yes he would eat it that ONE day, how many things can you come up with different? I took him to the vet and he is healthy besides the drop in weight from refusing to eat, no reasons to be picking and tipping feathers, even the vet told me that he felt bad for me, that this bird has figured out how to control me. So now he is REALLY mad because I can 100% ignor his bad habits, he has been getting hand fed for the last 2 weeks and when I put his cage in the bird room, I still kept the same routine, get him up placed him on the T stand and feed him well now he eats and then he will bring it back up and fling it all over everything and this has been since he was put back in the room, I hand him his favorite treats, he drops it, he has his fresh food bowl out on top like normal, then he has a bowl on the T stand that has nuts, grains and so on, in his cage he has 3 seperate bowls all with healthy choices, nope doesn't touch any of them, I look on the bottom of the cage and at the food, you can tell and he used to eat all the time, after I went in for surgery and was gone ONE night, he stopped and I have a scale and weigh everyone once a week, he went from 320g to 298g so that is why I am hand feeding a freaking 7 month old bird again, and yes he pumps, even starting to beg if Im not fast enough..But now we eat and waste it...I know I sound stupid but this bird has controled ME, and that is not a easy thing..So I am really thinking about placing him up for adoption...I have no more fight left in me...
  5. Thank you I do take caring for my pets to heart, I brought them in my home and its my place to make sure they have the best life I can give even if it means going or doing without. So many people act like it's OK to throw away or pass on a pet like they have no feelings, you mentioned about me knowing how much I can take~~~I have no choice but to keep going because as you now see I'm all they can depend on..Yeah I get flustered, down right pist at times, and it's not the dogs or the birds Im mad at, its my husband and daughter, I would be happy for ONE day a month where I didnt have to feed and do water changes for the dogs and birds, wipe down the cages and spot clean perches and toys, sweep, mop and vacume, pick up dog crap, to SLEEP in past 6:30, what kills me Eddie leaves at 6:30 for work why can't he take 2 mins to get Chance his medications with his food? He will come wake me up or CALL me to make sure Im up, (which i have 2 alarms set for AM and PM for his meds so yeah Im up) but for maybe one day take my alarm upstairs do Chance's meds and leave a note hey I gave him his meds, it would not kill the birds to stay covered for a little longer one morning. I ask him all the time why and get no reply really.....Thank you for listening and not judging me as a nut case that cant handle my animals, I can I do just one day off would be nice! All my animals thank you because they are sick of me asking them these same questions!
  6. You know he does seem to act out more on the weekends when I do get pist at Eddie for doing nothing, I get things done but I am mad and I have a right to be, during the week I relize he has to work OK fine but I could use a break once in awhile to, he gets weekends off I don't. If anyone is going to be re homed it is Eddie NOT any of my animals, they did not ask to be here, I made the decision to bring them in my house..Should have heard the fight we had yesterday because we can not go away for a weekend or go camping or as he puts it do anything because of Chance, well I am sorry but I WILL NOT put my dog down or get rid of him because he alters my life. ( Cant get anyone to come in because Chance is VERY protective of his house )I will put him down when he is no longer happy with living life.. I feel better getting some of this out, I really talk to no one but my animals.
  7. I know I am feeling very overwhelmed, my daughter is 18 and is now hardly ever home and my husband:angry: well he likes to claim the pets, enjoy the pets but he doesn't help with NOTHING and this is including his own bird, dealing with my Shepherd's health issues, it has became second nature I have been dealing with that for 3 out of the 5 years I have had him, Lobo he is a healthy almost 11 yr old dog. The agreement was when the Brown Head came into the house that was HIS bird meaning he feeds, trains, cleans, that bird and cage but guess what? Yeah I do EVERYTHING with all the animals here, I am not the type to ignor or blow off his bird, it's not fair to him, and yes I have had MANY fights concerning this issue, Im the care taker, cleaner, feeder, trainer, cuddler, my husband just plays with whom ever and leaves everything else to me, and I really think that Shadow KNOWS when im feeling low, when I have had enough and what buttons to push, when my husband has had enough of his screaming, he gives the dirty look or says NO and he freaking STOPS but when I point this out he tells me its MY bird that Shadow doesn't like him so it is my problem to fix~ So now you have the full picture everything is on my shoulders 7 days a week, including picking up the dog crap!
  8. I am being to think that Im not cut out to own a Grey. Things was going very good, screaming stopped, he stopped snapping the cage bars, and was getting better on the feather tipping and eating. Until this Wendsday. I noticed a lot of down feathers floating around, unsure if it is normal preening or going a bit over board, he does tip the feathers next to his legs on the bottom part of his chest still, I try to divert his attention when I notice, but I had family over Wend night, my daughter did have a red hoodie on which he hates red and that got him started with the screaming, had her take it off, but he just didnt like people around so I put him in the bird room to get away from the stress, still screamed figured he was mad, I kept reassuring him when he was quite but that got it started as soon as I would say good boy so it became a cycle and frustrating for me because I was not able to enjoy myself..Thrusday rolls around and we went to family for dinner so I wasn't home like I always am, I even got up early so he could have his time out of his cage before we left, when I got home same old song and dance, the screaming that he used to do when I walked through the door, OK i was gone 5 hours, when its noramly no more then 2 at the most, waited till he calmed down got him out without over fussing, there goes the non stop screaming, the cage bar snapping, refusing to eat, this went on ALL weekend now he has dropped a bit of weight because he is refusing to eat, I am doing the same things I was doing that worked but now he is back to square one, tipping feathers, not eating, snapping the cage bars, and non stop screaming...I can not live my life not going out for more then 2 hours, not have people over and then have to take the next 3 - 4 weeks re training him and stressing over him not eating and feather destruction..Maybe he just isnt happy with me, I sit here crying, things was going so good we was happy and now I feel if I have company or leave for longer then a few hours it will undo everything? I alreday live my life around my one dog that has seizures, if he has one I do not leave at all that day, I have to be up at 6:30AM and home by 6:30 - 7 PM at the lastest for his medications evey day, I can not stay out late or go on vacations or even get away for one night, and now it seems that I can not have family or freinds over or be gone during the day now to? Im frustrated, depressed and angry now, I am staying away from him as much as I can so he doesnt feed off my energy and make it worse, but today I am at my wits end~~~
  9. Ok I need to know how do you tell if they are simply preening or crossing that line of feather plucking or tipping? Shadow loves his spray bathes so he gets them at least every other day because of the colder weather. Now there is a spot where I know he was tipping off his feathers on the lower front by his leg, so when I see him doing it i just make a noise or something to get his attention off that spot....Well I gave him a good soaking yesterday and I noticed a rather large spot on his back between his wings, you dont notice it unless he is wet and wings spread and now it seems that there are some other smaller patches that do not fill in, like his upper neck and middle chest..You notice it a lot more when wet..He is also 6 months old, tons of attention, most of the time with me or playing, tons of toys..So how do I know if he is just preening or could this become a issue? he is a Timneh, no dry skin issues, the biggest spot is between his wings on the back and there are down feathers there, how should I handle this??
  10. I am so proud of myself and Shadow I could burst. Since my last post of I can't take it anymore which was concerning his screaming and other issues I was having. Well it got bad, screaming, not wanting to eat, losing weight, tipping off his feathers, you name it he did everything to push my buttons...Well I did the ignoring and leaving the room, at times I had tears rolling my checks wondering where I went wrong~~ well I started trying out other things, when he would whistle, cluck, try to form words, I would get excited mimic back and kept telling him what a good bird he was, I also do 30 minutes a day now where I will play music, sing, dance around and i would let him scream his beak off, after the 30 minutes I tell him ok now indoor voice, and its working! He gets his screaming out of his system, I get to be loud with him and he is so much more happier, when I come home now he sits on his perch and is quite so i will say hello to my dogs, put my things down and then go to him and tell him what a good boy being quite for mommy and I let him out! With the food issues, I started pretending I was eating his healthy food, making a big fuss, and when he would walk over to peek at what I had I told him nope it's mine, well that drove him crazy, he HAD to have it, well he has now re gained his weight and looking so much better. Its like I have a new bird, I do think some of his issues came from me because I am dealing with a TON of stress and he was feeding off of me, but I have now relized that worrying will not change a thing so my mood has lifted a bit as well, and with him being such a good bird its make me so much more happier!!!!!I also got one of those lighting systems and put it on 3-4 days a week, for about a hour to hour and a half, he seems to have slowed down on the tipping off of his feathers now, so I am hoping we are back on track. I stuck it out, tried everything and we are now closer then ever... Barbara
  11. I swear when someone said these guys are like kids they was not lying! Shadow has a new habit that is causing me concern... OK he has a great, strong, brand new cage, the bar spacing is 1/2 in, thank god because if it was any bigger we would really be in a mess. Anyways I have noticed that his white patches always have a tint of pink, more so when I first take him out of his cage, so i thought he was blushing, well a few days ago it was just one side and it was getting worse, so I started watching what he is doing, ( he isnt sick, nose is fine, did all the research for any illness.) He is grabbing onto the bars that go back and forth with his beak pressing his face at enough of a angle where it is rubbing it almost raw while he chicken scratches. Now he is out of his cage A LOT but he can not be 24 -7, so this is his new thing to get my attention (since the screaming is not working as well ) I figured it out yesterday, I came home from running around and not 2 seconds he started his screaming, I ignored it, he stopped, I praised him, told him mommy will get you out after I let the dogs out, I turned to do just that, and he went to his normal chicken scratching, (he does this in all diferent locations when he is in his cage, and its not just when Im around, my husband and daughter have noticed it as well, and they are not allowed to let him out due to not watching him, ( the dogs, the doggy door, wires, you get the idea and I am home 90 % of the time so it is not a major stuck in his cage issue ) I have tried to devert his attention by talking to him,ignoring him while he is doing it and getting him out the MOMENT he stops, but THAT is making it worse because it seems that he is pressing his face harder agaist the bars,so if I look at him he will keep doing it for a few then stop or if I walk away I can hear him still doing it. The one side of his face looks like he was in a boxing match and lost. It is very red, getting close to raw which could cause infection or maybe he could damage his eyes. At times its both sides, he holds head on and other times he rotates which side..I have cut a piece of hard plastic and zip tied it to the one spot where he does it the most, but it just moved him to another location, he doesn't do it from just the pearches, he will go to the bottom of his cage as well. He is hardly in his cage, but there are times for his safty he has to be, SO HOW DO I STOP THIS WITHOUT HIM TRAINING ME TO LET HIM OUT?
  12. Thank you so much for sharing that information, I was starting to think it was ALL me and also I think people are getting the wrong idea about me, YES I know ALL parrots make noise, yes he has tons of toys and does PLAY with them, I rotate every week plus make my own, he has 3 play stations plus his over sized cage, he has been weaned by me the night time snack I was talking about was a small amount of anything warm, a bit of oatmeal, a bit of dinner left over, what I meant by I didnt give it to him was he started turning his beak up to EVERYTHING and holding out for the night time food ONLY, I wasnt taking away his feedings. I am home ALL the time and I do rotate the time he is in or out his cage, his play times, his times on me, so no the newness DID NOT wear off he still gets the same amount of attention I do change the times however because I do not want him getting used to a set time for everything..I have been watching and notice what is triggering him, he has stopped 90% during the day when it is just him and I, as soon as my husband gets home and I TALK to him he does start, so I tell him quite its mommy time to talk and give him something to forage with or tear up, during my convasation I tell him good bird if he makes other sounds I get excited and do them back, if he does get into a cycle I will put him in his cage, if it continues inside the cage I cover him until he is quite then as i remove the cover i tell him good bird and take him back out, I have noticed one trigger is steam, I had take out food the other day and when I opened the carton you could see the steam and he went nuts, so the issue of me in the kitchen running hot water also gets him to scream, so so far it's steam and me talking to someone else, husband or phone or dogs. I just try and walk away and tell myself he will be talking soon i hear him trying now...So again thank you for letting me know I am not the only one that wanted to give up!
  13. Thank you I thought I was the one causing it, I posted after this one to explain what is going on now so please for people that has made comments please read it.<br><br>Post edited by: Jadewolf32, at: 2008/10/29 16:50
  14. He is out of his cage almost all day, this has become a game to him, he will fly off the cage walk up to me and look me in my eye and do it, I have been ignoring him and it is at a feverish pitch now, after he flys off the cage for the 4th time I pick him up and put him in his cage for about 10 mins, he will then take his beak and snap the bars, scratch like a chicken and do that noise, its like he is in a panic if I do not pay attention to him now, if he had it his way he would be on me 24/7 I give him lots of cuddle time, I do not work so I am here all day every day...Im just having one of those days where its enough alreday, even the dogs went out back and has not came back in..it kills me to ignor him like i said he acts like he is in a panic, begging for me to look at him pick him up and i know the first time i do, it will never stop, so now along with that noise i listen to him snapping the cage bars with his beak and scratching like a chicken In his bowl of food wasting it....
  15. OK I love Shadow to death,he is a little over 5 months old now, but it's getting to the point where I can not STAND his screaming, its that prehistoric sound they make, he does it so loud that it hurts my ears and Im getting frustarted and starting not to want to deal with him. If I am talking to anyone, on the phone talking to husband, or dogs, he will do it NON STOP, I leave the room he is quite, I come back out and there he goes the second he sees or hears me, I can not do anything because he starts in and I get pist off and leave so I dont do anything stupid like scream back or hit the cage, this is affecting our realationship, i also used to feed him something warm every night before bed from a spoon, so now he does not want to eat from his bowl, he will scream at me sit at the location on his cage where I would feed him, so last night I was SO pist off at his screaming all day, I did not give him bedtime snack, I do not want to hate him but I have not bothered with him at all today because I am DONE, again when I walk by he does that noise, not once or twice but non stop, I had to go outside to finsh a important phone call..I am strating to regrete owning him, i have not changed anything as far as how much we have 1 on 1 contact or his playtime that is up until yesterday I have reached my breaking point.... What do I do?
  16. OK Shadow just turned 5 months yesterday. Now I see a issue that I need to correct NOW. Shadow is starting to scream. First it started when my husband would come home from work, I am Shadow's favorite, but when Eddie would come home we would talk and Shadow would start trying to get my attention, low whistles, throwing things to the floor and so on, and it would be only when Eddie and I talked to each other, during the day Shadow is fine, he will contact call me if he can not see me but he is good, it is now starting to be ALL weekend when my husband is home, if I give my husband any attention Shadow starts screaming and will not stop, if I walk away from Eddie or Eddie leaves the room he is fine, but it has now gone from that to even when I go into the kitchen to cook, there he goes again, or if I call my dogs, Shadow seems to be becoming VERY jelouse of anyone or anything I do. How do I stop it NOW while he is still young? I have tried the ignoring, I have tried putting back into the cage, i have tried the covering the cage, I have tried the " stink eye "look with a stern no, he gets louder, now my husband is feeling like he is competing with my bird and he cant watch the football game with me because Shadow will not shut up and I will not have him on me because that will reinforce this bad habit. I love that he loves me so much but damn he is not type! I need my husband for some things.... There he goes, i walked out to kiss Eddie before he left just now and Shadow is mad, its getting louder and louder. ITS DRIVING ME NUTS. Eddie has tried giving him attention, but he will fly off him and come running to find me, (I thought that was cute at first ) PLZ any advice?
  17. Well Shadow is now 4.5 months old, weaned and has gained weight since I stopped handfeeding. At 3 months he was 302g and now he is 314g so I guess Im doing everything right. He LOVES his bigger cage, very active and will even come looking for me if Im gone to long, which brings me to my day of almost having a heart attack~~~~ He was out on top of his cage, I went out in the back yard to pick up dog poop, Shadow can see me out there from the window, so Im busy doing my massive chore ( 2 large dogs you know ) and I just happen to look towards the back door ( which has a doggy door on it and both my guys was out back with me ) and who is sitting OUTSIDE on the step watching me? SHADOW he walked through the dinning room, through the kitchen, and OUT the dog door. My heart stopped, dog poop went everywhere as I threw the scooper behind me and TRIED to walk, but really running praying he would NOT move, he looked so cute just sitting there looking at me like "hey you took to long so I wanted to see what was up" I walked up to him said step up which he gladly did and I hugged him so tight, THANK GOD he is clipped, THANK GOD I noticed him while he was on the 1st step, he could have walked out on the porch, off the porch into the yard, the dogs know to look for him inside on the floor, but outside, running and playing they dont watch, so many things could have happened..It makes me feel so loved that he always comes looking for me, but through a dog door? I welcomed 10 new grey hairs yesterday!
  18. OK I fianly got Shadow into the bigger cage, when I first rolled it out he was on his old cage looking like OH NO YOUR NOT! I just let him crawl back and forth beiween both cages while I got everything in the big cage, well he stood there when the last perch went in, he looked at me started his baby crying noises, I told him its ok this is his big boy cage, I stuck my head in there and showed him all the space he has and all the other new pearches and toys, HE LOVES IT! he is all over it, but he is just staying on one perch when I shut him in, ( I had to take a shower ) when its open he is happy, I guess he needs to get used to all the extra space. I feel so much better knowing he is no longer in a rusted cage and learned a lesson, do not trust such a great deal on Craig's List! OH THANK GOD I SEEN HIM EATING AND DRINKING IN THE NEW CAGE. I was worried about that, with him weaning I worry, and me going into surgery I worry, Im getting grey hair and he is not even 4 months old yet!
  19. I have to bring something up that I just found out about newspaper in the cage. My mother has a lovebird, she was lining the bottom of the cage and also putting a piece on top of the crate for his snacks, well the bird developed these open soars that would not go away, they was open and nasty, she tried everything and then FINALY after me telling her I was going to turn her in for animal abuse because it looked so bad, she took him to the vet~~~ IT WAS THE NEWS PAPER causing it, the vet said with the recycled ink they use now its not good for birds, he told her to go home and smell a piece of newspaper and it does smell strong, they gave him some medication and did some kind of dip and she switched to paper towels and he has gotten better, maybe it was because he was in contact with the paper, but he would not even touch his treats on it after awhile. So I play it safe and use paper towels, dollar stores are great and you can see their poop and change just a few pieces or all at once....
  20. Thank you everyone I will be switching cages today, I did switch locations when I took him out of the big one and got the second hand cage, so now I will bring the big cage out to the dining room where the cage is where he is at now, ( no worris when I cook he goes back to the bird playroom, that is where the other cage was, i think that had something to do with him being over whelmed as well, he was not in the main part of the house ) MAn this is harder then having and raising a human baby!
  21. OK I have a almost 4 month old Timneh, now I have a issue I need help with, it has been keeping me up at night. I got that split level house bird cage, its hugh, when I first brought him home he seemed so little in the cage, and a bit over whelmed so I went and found another cage on Craigs list, The Ez care one, he LOVES that cage good size for him, but I noticed there is rust, now it is not where he can get to it but it is getting worse, so I am NOT going to keep him in the cage, SO do I buy another one like the one he has and let a 600.00 cage go to waste, or do I try him in the big cage again? I have to figure this out and I do not want to stress him, he is weaning, and I am going in for surgery Sept 11th with a over night stay and he is a momma's boy BIG TIME so THAT is stressing me also, but so is this cage, do I switch him? If so, now or wait until after weaning and my surgery? Im driving everyone here crazy, I do not know what to do, I really can not afforde another new cage, my husband was mad that I spent 600 on the big one just to buy another one....Someone please help me here~ Barbara
  22. Hello I am so glad I found this forum, I had so many questions and a lot was answered by just redaing. The werid noises, the blushing, all normal. I brought my baby home Aug 8th and was told he was weaned. Well guess what? I get a call on my phone from the breeder, BTW his birthdate was May 11th which put him UNDER 3 months old, off to the vet we went, found out he had gram neg in his crop on medication and needs to be hand fed, well we have completed the medication and we are down to 1 feeding a day at night and only 20 25cc, he eats everything else well good weight, 302g, we have bonded alreday, he loves to cuddle I just hope he doesnt decide after Im done feeding him that he wants to bond with someone else~~~ Anything you want to share, ideas, questions ask away.. Barbara Colorado
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