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  1. I will try to do this again. Post edited by: silverdude, at: 2008/11/16 03:12 It still will not let me attach a picture from my computer picture file, an error message says file exceeds maximum size. I only tried to attach one photo. Any suggestions?<br><br>Post edited by: silverdude, at: 2008/11/16 03:15
  2. I tries to attach pictures but was not able to. Can you tell me how to do this. I must be doing something wrong.
  3. Hi everyone, Im sorry I have been so busy the last month that I have not had time to talk. I brought my new grey home on Oct. 15 and just got the DNA test back last week. It a girl. I named her Maggie Blaine. We are already very close. My question is can it be possible to hold your new grey to much. Maggie Blaine is only 17 weeks old and she loves for me to let her lay in my lap on her back and rub her head or beak. She goes to sleep with both feet straight up in the air. I love spending time with her but do not want to over do it, if it is not good for her. She has neve tried to bite me yet but has biten my wife several times, sometimes drawing blood. She will step up on her hand sometime but will not let her rub her on the head very often. I will try to post some pictures.<br><br>Post edited by: silverdude, at: 2008/11/13 04:11
  4. Hi everyone, Sorry I have not had a chance to give you an update but my new baby grey has been taking up all of my spare time. I brought her home on Oct 16th. The day I brought her home the breeder had clipped one of her toe nails to get some blood for the DNA test to check her sex. My wife just knows its a girl and I kind of think so too so I will refer to it as her until I know different. We brought her home in a small box that the breeder provided. While I was putting her new cage together I decided to put her in a same dog carrier. She kept pulling on the door so I walked over to check on her after about 5 minutes and there was blood all over the cage flood. My heart sunk. I guess she was also scratching with her feet and started the toe bleeding again, but it was a lot of blood. Me and my wife did not know what to do so I imediately called the breeder and she suggested that we get some flour out and tried to pack the flour into her toe nail. After about 15 minutes we finally got the bleeding stopped. I don't know what I would have done if it had not been for my wife, she was a lot of help. I did not sleep all night worring. But now Maggie is doing wonderful. I don't think I could have found a better companion if I had look forever. We have realy become the best of friends. She will set in my lap for hours and just want me to rub her head and back. She also like it when I feed her from my hands. She already know how to step up and is also becoming friend with my wife. Sorry, I did not mean to ranble on and on. Now back to my question. Can you feed a grey too much at one time? She loves apples and has a real good appetite. She has also been eating string beans, grapes and grits and eggs. I am trying not to give her anything with salt. I will try to post pictures by this weekend. :blink:
  5. Thanks to all of you for your comments and concerns. If I had my way and had found this baby sooner he/she would not be clipped but now I will take every precaution to protect my baby. Thanks for the tip about putting a rub around and in the bottom of the gage. I have not name he/her yet until I get the results from the DNA but I am thinking about Moses for a male and Maggie for a girl. What do all of you think a good name would be. Excitement does not even discribe how I feel right now. The butterfies are jumping!! Can't wait until 4:00 tomorrow. Can anyone tell me how to attach one of the emotion icons to a posting.
  6. My name is Fred and I am a 56 year old civil engineer. I am a first time baby grey dad. Can't wait to bring him/her home. I live in Lexington South Carolina. It will take approximately two or three week to get the DNA results so I have not name my baby yet. Thanks to all of you for all your posting on this site. It has been a big help in my dicision to get a grey. I took you advise and let the baby grey pick me. The first time I saw him/her he came to me and stepped up on commend. He took his beak and gently picked my hand exploring. He let me rub his head and touch his back and belly. I did not want to put him/her back in the cage. Will pick my 13 week old baby and bring him/her home on Thursday Oct. 16, 08. Please pray for me, Ha Ha.
  7. Thank for your response and I know I will have a ton of questions. The breeder we are getting our baby from has already clipped his/her wings. I have read that some say you should clip there wing and some say not to. What is your opion? Do greys like a certain color cage better. We are trying to decide on grey or white. Is one sex smarter or talk better than the other. You said no dum questions, Ha Ha.
  8. In two day I will pick up my new 13 week old african grey baby. It's taken a long time and a lot of research but we have finally decided on becoming a grey owner or have come grey owned. Have not had my baby sexed yet. She/he is very smart and will already step up on commend. Was hand raised by a female but picked me the first time a saw him/her. Will let you rub his/her head and back and likes to be held close. I have been reading all of your comments for the last several months and want to thank all of you for this wonderful website. I know I will have a lot of questions and would appreciate any help you can give a new dad. I will keep you posted on our progress. I am not to good on a computer but will try to figure out how to put some pictures on here as soon as I can. Can't wait to bring my new baby home.
  9. Thanks for all the advise and willing to talk to me about all my questions. Its good to know there is someone you can talk to with more experience. I will take your advise and let the grey pick me regardless of sex. I will keep you posted but will take my time and make sure I find the right companion. Thanks again for all your help.
  10. Hi everyone, My name is Fred and I have become very interested in the african grey. I realize that not all greys talk but they are very fasinating birds. I have been trying to learn all I can about the congo african grey and there habits. Do most greys bite? I think they are the most beautiful of all of the parrots. Does the male or female make the best companion? Does one have a better personality than the other?
  11. Is there any way to determine the sex of a young baby grey without using DNA. I am thinking about getting an african grey congo for the first time and was told I needed to get a male because they are better talkers. What do you think?
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