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  1. No, no bare spots, when he is preening, you just see the odd one falling to the floor. They are only very small, just wanted to make sure. He's 6 months old next week. How time flys!
  2. Hi all, When Gizmo is preening, about 3/4 very small feathers are coming out each day. Is this normal??<br><br>Post edited by: BlueCounty, at: 2008/11/24 00:49
  3. Do you cover your Grey's cage whilst you are still awake? Gizmo's cage is in the living room next to my TV which is on the wall and the only time I've covered his cage is when I go to bed at night. This morning he was up at 7:30am and uncovered him so I dont want to leave him uncovered until around midnight when I'll be going to bed because he wont go to sleep whilst he's uncovered. I'm just wondering if he will stay awake and get freaked by being covered up and the TV and lights still being on?
  4. Just intrigued to know what people mean when they say it's really importnat for a Grey to learn to step up. When I have a treat Gizmo wants, he'll step up onto my hand so quick you wouldnt believe it without saying "Step up", but when I offer my hand without the treat and say "Step up" he most of the time just looks at me. Sometimes he lifts his foot up and then i gently lift him by the one foot and he steps up on my hand with the other foot but I'm sure this doesnt count. Is Gizmo 'Stepping up'?
  5. Is this suitable for a Grey? Trying to introduce as many things as I can to Gizmo!
  6. Hello everyone, Just wondering if there are any safe chewing toys for Grey Parrots? I've got a Pets at home near my house but there bird accessories are limited to say the least! Would I be able to get chewing toys for dogs and give it to Gizmo? He's trying his best to chew his cage at the moment the silly bird haha
  7. Does anyone's Grey do this? Gizmo has started going to the back of his cage, has one foot up on the cage, put his head back and rolls his head from side to side? Surely this is making him very dizzy???
  8. Hiya everyone, My cage has horizontal bars and has 3 food/water dishes. I've tried buying food/water dishes but they never seem to fit, does anyone know of any dishes which fit well on horizontal bars?
  9. Gizmo does this when I give him Blueberries and Grapes. It's like he cant wait to suck all the juice out of the fruit which makes his head shake like mad :laugh:
  10. He's much better now. I think he just doesnt like getting a misting. Also I dont think him being covered up that long was a good idea. In future, ill uncover him and im sure he'll nod off if he's tired whilst im at work.
  11. Hi everyone, I've had Gizmo now for 2 weeks and before today he was was getting along fine but today he's been really strange towards me? When I put my finger in the cage he's biting me and moving away down the other end of the cage? I've had a think why and I came up with these possible's? 1) I gave a him a shower when I cam home from work, I soaked him and he didnt seem to mind it when he was in the cage, I let him out after I'd finished so he could flap his wings etc 2) This morning I left his cover on until 12:30pm. This is because I went to bed at 11:30pm so thought i'd leave his cover on his cage and then come home at dinner and uncover him, which I did? He's on top of his cage now and has just let me scratch his head for a bit but he seems to have a suspicion of me? I said no firmly before when he went to have a bite at me and put his cover back on his cage for 5 minutes? Should I have done that? Also he's coming out with sounds and noises which sound like a gruff voice that I've never heard him do? All in the space of one day. Has someone switched my parrot when I've been at work?
  12. Dont get me wrong, when I get out the spare perch, he steps up really quickly then I just put him through the 'front door' He tries to hold onto the outside with his beak but if I just stay still he lets go then goes in. Just wondered if anyone's bird goes in on their own? Suppose it varies as stated above.
  13. Does your Grey ever go back in his cage on his own? Gizmo is yawning his head off at the moment and has nice new veg in his bowl but hasnt gone near it? Im convinced he'll stay on top all night. I've noticed aswell today that when I do put him back in his cage he just stands in the same place and goes to sleep? Tired or sulking??
  14. No its not a sour smell. It's the smell of the pellet mix, I just dont like it. :sick:
  15. But I just dont know the answer!?? When you give foods such as carrot or Brocolli do you cook it or give it raw??
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