Hi everyone,
I've had Gizmo now for 2 weeks and before today he was was getting along fine but today he's been really strange towards me?
When I put my finger in the cage he's biting me and moving away down the other end of the cage?
I've had a think why and I came up with these possible's?
1) I gave a him a shower when I cam home from work, I soaked him and he didnt seem to mind it when he was in the cage, I let him out after I'd finished so he could flap his wings etc
2) This morning I left his cover on until 12:30pm. This is because I went to bed at 11:30pm so thought i'd leave his cover on his cage and then come home at dinner and uncover him, which I did?
He's on top of his cage now and has just let me scratch his head for a bit but he seems to have a suspicion of me?
I said no firmly before when he went to have a bite at me and put his cover back on his cage for 5 minutes? Should I have done that?
Also he's coming out with sounds and noises which sound like a gruff voice that I've never heard him do? All in the space of one day.
Has someone switched my parrot when I've been at work?