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Everything posted by kevin67

  1. my grey is 10 months old now and is a very good talker. he can say around 10 different phrases which i'm very pleased about
  2. thanks judy for the advice i'll leave it to him then. it's a shame he going mad trying to get to it every 2 minutes
  3. last night i noticed that one of alfie's wing feathers was hanging down so i just put it back under his wing, but today it must be annoying him as he's trying to get rid of it by pulling on it. is there anyway that i can snip it off or is it beast to leave him to pull it out himself. thanks kevin
  4. thanks for the replies guys. good advice there. cheers
  5. thanks for the reply judy
  6. what a wonderful story. well done in giving the bird a better life.
  7. Sorry i haven't posted in a while but a few days ago my mother asked me to watch her dog, rico, for a night as she was working, and as normal i took him, but this is the first time i have watched the dog since i have had my Grey,Alfie. as soon as the dog walked in to the room Alfie started screaming and puffing himself out, so i sent the dog out into the kitchen thinking Alfie would just need time to get used to him. but after the dog went home every time my daughter walks in with her teddies he does the same thing as if he is frightened. Alfie is around 18 weeks old, so is it just because he is a baby and will he get used to things like this? sorry for the long story thanks kevin
  8. lovely photo he looks fit for a wedding lol
  9. it was just a friend of my girlfriend that has a grey and she said that she feeds her kaytee. is kaytee just treats then?
  10. has anyone tryed their parrot with kt food, if so is it better than just ordinary parrot food out the pet shop. thanks kevin
  11. thanks he's really good he loves all kinds of fruit and veg
  12. here's a photo of my baby grey called alfie eating on a pea pod
  13. kevin67

    new to greys

    thanks siobhan i wil try this out
  14. thanks for the replys i called my grey alfie i will post some photos of him in the next few days
  15. kevin67

    new to greys

    i've just bought a african grey from a pet store today it's about 16 weeks old according to the workers. he let's you rub his head and he likes his head scratched but he won't come on my hand. i know it will take time for him to do this but has anyone any tips for this. thanks
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