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Everything posted by nesha

  1. Thank you! I have read that some people use some type of aloe spray also, any suggestions on that?
  2. Hey all, my CAG C.J hates getting wet :angry: ever since I've had him (March 08) I try to give him a bath at least twice a week and he screams and screeches so loud as if something was wrong:( I dont have a shower perch for him, but I would place him in the bath tub and slowly pour warm to cool water on him. I would start by lightly splashing the water on his feet and belly and he hates it period! I am now on my second spary bottle with him because he attacks the bottle and destroys the top. I truly dont believe he has had a proper bath since I had him because I hate to hear him scream like that and I dont keep him in there long. C.J has never been fully wet, I try to splash the water underneath his wings, but no luck. I also use dial antibacterial soap on him. I rub it on my hands first then rub his wings and try to get his stomach area. I would like for C.J to get a proper bath and enjoy it at the same time. He has all of his feathers and he does not pull them out but from time to time he does pick at his tail feathers and underneath his wings as if he's cleaning his self, but again he does not pull his feathers out or mutilate his self. Any ideas on how I can get C.J to accept taking a bath and if the dial soap thing is a good idea :dry: I believe once he gets a good bath he will no longer need to pick at his self. We have a vet appointment coming up soon and I plan on asking her for some tips! Once he's out of the bath tub though he's back to his happy grumbling self
  3. Hello everyone, I am new to this site and also a new african grey owner. My CAG, C.J is 8 months old. I just got him in March and I have never owned a parrot before, only small birds such as love birds. I've always loved birds and ever since I've had C.J I've loved every minute of it:woohoo: everyday is a learning experience for me and I spend A LOT OF TIME on the internet researching all I can about CAG's. You guys seem to have lots of knowledge and any info you can share is very much welcomed! C.J is well behaved, he doesnt bite or scream and is very friendly with vistors and even my very busy 8 year daughter, who's always bothering him :evil: he doesnt talk yet nor does he imitate anything in the house yet, such as the telephone or a squeaking door, but he makes the strangest grumbling/muffled noises and at times he sounds as though he's laughing, which I do a lot :laugh: he's especially noisey when im not in the room or directly in front of him. Im looking foward to a having a very good relationship with him!
  4. C.J is exactly 8 months old and he doesnt talk yet, however he makes lots of funny noises as if he's trying to speak. Its not quite whistling but he makes the strangest grumbling/muffled noises especially when im not in the same room with him or directly in front of him...I know this is kind of off topic but he loves to throw things on the floor and then looks down on it then looks up at me & I mean everything, from his toy blocks to pens to paper :blink:
  5. My CAG, C.J, loves chicken bones also...with some bar-b-q sauce on it from time to time. He also loves cooked rice
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