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  1. How come the dead dog now sits on your lap, have you had it stuffed?
  2. Hahahaa, really>? I want to know what happened when you introduced them? What did the Grey's make of their new housemates? Give us the full review please.
  3. Your bird is trying to communicate with you. This is called contact calling and she is calling to you and expecting one back. This reassures your bird that all is well. If you're not responding the calls will get louder and screaming will be inevitable. The next time you disappear from sight or walk out of the room and she calls you could call back using your own whistle. If she screams keep up with the whistle and eventually your bird will learn the whistle too, she should then learn that to receive a contact call from you she uses the whistle and there is no need for a frustrated scream. My Grey screamed initially and now I've taught him a two-toned whistle which is easy for me and even easier for him. Hope this helps, patience is the key.
  4. Cool, it must be a madhouse when they're all calling. You have your work cut out! )
  5. Timneh's are slightly smaller than Congo's and darker shades of grey with a lighter coloured beak and dark red/maroon tail feathers. If your Greys have a black beak then they will be CAG's. I've seen pics of your Grey's Pete and they're CAG's, no mistake.
  6. No idea, AG's have only 2 subspecies TAG's and CAG's to my knowledge, although both can vary from original location.... E.G. Kings African Grey, I've seen them with red mottled feathers from their breasts to their toes, but still they were CAG's. Never heard of a NAG though.
  7. Cool, how have you set this up?
  8. Take the weekend for instance and not a working day, how many hours do you allow your CAG/TAG out of it's cage per day? I'd be interested in the responses.
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