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  1. great output there! but i've been noticing, tequila especially loves carrot. and when i give greens (leaf) rolled up he treats it like an enemy. tearing it to pieces and flinging it everywhere. haha. vege-buster!
  2. heyy i tried ebay, but to no avail.. there's no kaytee or zupreem, and all i got from my search for vitakraft was 'HAMSTER FOOD'. haha
  3. hi guys, i'm pretty new to this forum and i'm happy, as well as would like to extend my congratulations to the forummers here for the wide array of information regarding our lovely greys. anyway, i'm from Malaysia, specifically in the state of Johore, where supplies (ie perches, kaytee, zupreem and what-nots that links to our greys) are pretty much zero in stock. therefore, i'd like to post this up ya, anyone around here that's from Malaysia, or perhaps as an alternative, any online sites that does shipping to my country without me needing to donate all my $$ to shipping charges?? thanks in advance! cheers, Stan<br><br>Post edited by: the_mask86, at: 2008/08/14 19:20
  4. anyway i just thought of this. does it mean that where in my situation now i should give them unlimited access to sunflower seeds mixed with nuts and pellets, then feed fruits and vegetables by hand? or vice versa? pls advise. thanks!
  5. yupp. i'm trying to get zupreem or kayten here. can't really find one. the nearest place that stocks kayten is a dreadful 13 hour drive up north. sole importer in the whole of Malaysia. Really sad case I would say. (Best part is they don't deliver outta state)
  6. heyy! thanks for the quick reply. For as long as I have been keeping parrots, they have been sadly, fed a strictly seed diet, which has to be mixed by ourselves. This would also mean that the nutitions are practically unbalanced in their food. Oh, just to add, this is cos I'm located in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, where there are not many parrot owners. The few parrot owners I know of simply feed their parrots sunflower seeds and nothing else, its a sad situation to witness with your own eyes.
  7. Hi guys! I chanced upon this forum for African Greys not long ago. Have been associated with parrots of all kinds, especially African Greys since I was born, mostly due to influence from my late father, who was an avid avian keeper. Personally, I have a grey I call my own, which is of cos my favourite, among all the other members in the family. Looking forward to having a great time of learning and sharing around here! Name: Stan Owned by: Tequila, the Congo African Grey Pets: Countless around the house I would say, but what I would call my very own would be Tequila, Maple my Inland Bearded Dragon, and a school of Japanese Kois i put a great deal of effort into. Rest of the pets are taken care of by other members of the family, therefore I'm not so attached to them. =)
  8. hi lovemyGreys and other members of the forum! thanks for making me feel welcome here and i would love to have a pleasant stay in this forum!
  9. Hi there guys. My greys have been fed dried pellet mixes all these while. However, recently I'm slowly trying to change it to a non-seed diet where i offer fresh fruits and vegetables to my greys. Nuts and seeds are now fed minimally by hand. Thing is, i noticed today that one of my greys left out all the other food in its bowl, onli picking out carrots. What worries me is that its poop smells of carrot and is sort of orange in color. Is there any cause for alarm in that? Thanks in advance for the guidance coming my way!
  10. hey guys, regarding pellet dunking, my grey only dunks the empty shells of sunflower seeds in his waterbowl if i forget to feed him! otherwise, if given his normal food on time, the waterbowl's pretty much clean haha.
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